- Please rest assured that repayment is ensured. 请您放心,还款是有保障的。
- I took her to court for repayment of the debt. 我为索取债务而起诉她。
- His large income enabled him to live in comfort. 他那丰厚的收入使他可以过舒服的生活。
- Our arrival time is contingent on the weather. 我们的抵达时间取决于天气情况。
- The bank is pressing us for repayment of the loan. 银行催我们偿还贷款。
- Our success is contingent upon your continued help. 我们的成功全靠你的不断帮助。
- His income is mainly from royalty. 他的收入主要来自版税。
- It's difficult raising a family on a small income. 依靠微薄的收入是很难养家的。
- income- contingent repayment 按收入比例还款
- She decided to rent out a room to get extra income. 她为获得额外收入决定租出一个房间。
- My wages are the principal source of my income. 薪金是我收入的主要来源。
- Never spend in excess of your income. 花钱切不可超过自己的收入。
- He assist me with my income tax return. 他帮助我填写所得税申报单。
- Our plan for an outing is contingent on the weather. 我们外出游玩的计划视天气而定。
- He neglected to return his income tax form. 他忽略了所得税表格的申报。
- A large contingent from Japan was present at the conference. 来自日本的一个大代表团出席了会议。
- My monthly income was just over 200 pounds. 我每月的收入是200多磅。
- His income is well below the average. 他的收入大大低于平均水平。
- She gives private lessons to supplement her income. 她给私人授课以贴补收入。
- There were the usual protests from the anti-abortion contingent. 反对堕胎的人照例提出了抗议。