- incisive incisor 切齿
- I feel incisive and vivid, with fickleness faded. 淋漓尽致间,浮噪的情绪,慢慢地退去。
- He had too incisive and agile a mind. 他的思路过于犀利敏捷。
- An incisive mind;incisive comments. 锐利的头脑;尖锐的评论
- Yet the message of a short film should be incisive. 但短片的讯息一定要有力!
- His presentation was clear and incisive. 他的讲述清晰而深刻。
- He had an incisive, quickmotioned, self-sufficient manner. 他具有机敏,轻捷,矜持的态度。
- His incisive remarks made us see the problems in our plans. 他的话切中要害, 使我们看到了计划中的一些问题。
- His incisive remarks made us see the fallacy in our plans. 他尖锐的评论使我们看到我们计划中的谬误之处。
- There was good wits, incisive but always peripheral information. 宴会上有时妙语连珠,谈吐锋利而所论却总不免是些毛皮小事。
- The shiitake mushroom can prevent the incisive condyloma duplicate. 香菇能预防尖锐湿疣复。
- He gave a clear and incisive presentation of the matter. 他对整件事作出了一个清楚而又深刻的描述。
- Lily's incisive lyrical observations belie her years. 莉莉尖锐的歌词掩饰她真实的年龄。
- Many Chinese experts and scholars have an incisive exposition. 中国许多专家学者对此有精辟的论述。
- His poetry is intellectually incisive and adjectivally rich. 他的诗歌思想深邃,并且富含形容词。
- The postauricular “C” inci sion approach applies to resection of temporal tumors. 耳后C形切口入路适用于切除颞骨肿瘤。
- He has an incisive manner of speaking, happily free from umms and ers. 他说话干脆利落,完全没有哼哼哈哈的腔调。
- His poetry is garrulous, intellectually incisive and adjectivally rich. 麦克尼斯的诗歌冗长絮叨,思想深邃,并且富含形容词。
- To study the clinical effects of prosthesis in immediatd implant at singe anodontia incisor compared with traditional temporary resin veneer crown. 目的:对比分析单个前牙种植体的传统临时冠修复和即刻烤瓷冠修复的临床效果。
- Objective:To study the methods in patients afte r enterostomy in primary healing,prevention of stool pollution and surgical incis ion infection. 目的:探讨肠造口术后切口愈合,防止粪便污染及感染的措施。