- The solemn inauguration ceremony will be held here. 就要举行隆重的启用仪式了。
- I will not attend the PTA Inauguration Ceremony. 本人无暇出席家长教师会成立典礼。
- I will attend the PTA Inauguration Ceremony. 本人会出席家长教师会成立典礼。
- The inauguration ceremony for the new building will be held this morning. 今天上午将举行新厦的落成典礼。
- Details of the program will be announced at the inauguration ceremony. 有关课程的细节将于开学典礼公布。
- The inauguration ceremony of the new President was a splendid pageant. 新总统的就职典礼是壮丽的庆典。
- Organized by the Office of Student Affairs, the inauguration ceremony is the first formal event attended by freshmen. 由港大学生事务处主办的迎新礼,是新入学同学在港大参与的首个隆重活动。
- New South Korean President Lee Myung-bak was making diplomatic inroads within hours of Monday's inauguration ceremony. 韩国新总统李明博在星期一的就职仪式举行几个小时之后就取得了外交上的进展。
- The function is not a normal press conference but an inauguration ceremony of the president. (这个集会可不是一般的记者招待会,而是总统的就职典礼。)
- The inauguration ceremony marked a new page in the history of DDM, and gave the general public a deeper understanding of DDM's vision. 法鼓山开山落成大典,为法鼓山纪元开创新的一页,也让社会大众对法鼓山的理念有更深一层的认识。
- The picture shows Dr.Gustav Humbert, Airbus President and CEO delivers his speech at the inauguration ceremony of Airbus (Beijing) Engineering Centre. 图为空中客车公司总裁兼首席执行官洪博达博士在空中客车公司(北京)工程技术中心开业典礼上致词。
- Privacy Commissioner Mr. Roderick Woo (right), and renowned artist Miss Sheren Tang at the inauguration ceremony of the activity on 27 June 2006. 私隱專員吳斌先生(右)與著名藝人鄧萃雯小姐於2006年6月27日主持活動的開幕儀式。
- Good evening. It is my great honor and pleasure to attend Graduation Ceremony2004 and the Inauguration Ceremony of the Shanghai Chapter, CGA-Canada International. 晚上好!很荣幸能参加加拿大注册会计师协会2004毕业典礼暨上海分会揭牌仪式。
- After the inauguration ceremony, the Student Ambassadors were invited to take a group photo with Prof. Simon Ho, Dean of School of Business( front row,4 th from right). 开幕礼结束后,飞跃学生大使们与商学院院长何顺文教授(排右四)照留念。
- Good evening. It is my great honor and pleasure to attend Graduation Ceremony 2004 and the Inauguration Ceremony of the Shanghai Chapter, CGA-Canada International. 晚上好!很荣幸能参加加拿大注册会计师协会2004毕业典礼暨上海分会揭牌仪式。
- A gala ball after the inaugural ceremony. 就职典礼仪式后的庆祝舞会
- During the inauguration ceremony earlier this week, the French president described the museum as a rejection of colonial assumptions of Western superiority. 早在这个星期的开幕式典礼,法国总统把博物馆描述成是对西方优越殖民假想的一种否定。
- President Justin Yu, President James Wong and President Jack Eng attended the inauguration ceremony of Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Comptroller John Liu in the City Hall. 于金山主席、黄达良主席、伍权硕主席等到市议会出席彭博市长及刘醇逸主计长之就职典礼。
- The party began several hours ahead of the inauguration ceremony in the sleepy fishing town in western Japan, which has turned into the nation's leading cheerleader for Obama. 在这个寂静的日本西部小渔村,庆祝大会在就职典礼前几小时开始,成为全日本率先开始替欧巴马加油的啦啦队。
- H.E.Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Spain delivers his congratulatory speech at the inauguration ceremony of Airbus (Beijing) Engineering Centre. 西班牙首相萨帕特罗在空中客车公司(北京)工程技术中心揭幕仪式上致辞祝贺工程技术中心的正式启用。