- High Pressure inactivation of microorganisms. 微生物高压失活。
- inactivation of complement 补体灭活
- Inactivation of HIV in blood plasma by high hydrostatic pressure. 高静水压血浆中HIV的失活。
- Mechanisms and Kinetics of Pressure Inactivation of Enzymes. 压力失活酶机制及动力学。
- Daoism is a doctrine of unity of complementation. 道学是互补统一学说。
- Method: using red cell agglutinating test of complement sensitized yeast. 方法:采用补体致敏酵母菌血凝法进行检测。
- It indicated that Cu??2+? was a synergist for inactivation of HAV by vitamin C. 这说明铜离子对维生素C灭活甲型肝炎病毒有增效作用。
- Comply with the compatible rule of complement when using compliments. 使用问候语时遵守补语的相容规则。
- Inactivation of lipase in wheat g erm by microwave was studied in this paper . 要研究了利用微波技术钝化小麦胚芽中解脂酶的方法。
- Comply with the compatible rule of complement when&vbsp;using compliments. 使用问候语时遵守补语的相容规则.
- Biallelic inactivation of the NF2 gene was detected in 36% of meningiomas. NF2双等位基因钝化可在36%25的脑膜瘤中检测到。
- Comply with the compatible rule of complement when using compliment s. 使用问候语时遵守补语的相容规则.
- The destruction on inactivation of cyanide ion may be accomplished by complexion formation. 可以通过形成络合物的方法来破坏氰离子发生钝化作用。
- These findings prompted worldwide research on factors controlling the inactivation of viruses in marine waters. 这些发现促进了世界范围对海洋水体中控制病毒不复活因素的研究。
- The increase of complement C5a in CPB is close correlated to endothelial cells activation fast phase. 目前认为内皮细胞激活可分为两个时相:第一时相主要是补体活性成分诱发的快速相,体外循环时补体活性成分C5a水平的提高与内皮细胞激活快速相的发生密切相关。
- An individual who is incapable of reproduction as a result of removal, destruction, or inactivation of the gonads. 无生殖能力的人或动物由于生殖器的去除、毁坏或无活动能力而丧失生殖能力的个体
- Coincidentally, the psoriasis paper mentioned a recent study that linked SLE to low copy number of complement C4 genes. 巧合的是,银屑病论文提到近期一项研究将SLE与补体蛋白C4基因拷贝数低联系起来。
- Despite the disappointment, he did have some words of complement for the victors. 尽管失望,但他也有几句给胜利者的说话。
- Inactivation of cytoplasmic enzymes would occur if the acids were stored in the cytoplosm. 如果这些酸贮藏在细胞质中,细胞质的酶类将要失活。
- Comply with the compatible rafter effect 大纲ule of complement when using compliments. 使用问候语时遵守补语的相容规则.