- The project will be accomplished in a few more days. 再过几天, 整个工程即可竣工。
- In a few more years we will be able to get ahead. 再过几年我们就能够有积蓄了。
- We will fling in a few more cans of gravy. 我们会额外奉送几罐肉汁。
- In a few more years, all taxis will have to be yellow. 司机先生:再过几年,所有的出租车都将是黄色的。
- Mary is getting better. She should be up and about in a few days. 玛丽正在好起来,几天后她就能起床走动了。
- The matter will rectify itself in a few days. 那件事过几天就会变好。
- Fat-ass passes out.Hadley gets in a few more licks and finally stops. 胖子昏了过去,哈雷又打了几下才最终停了下来。
- How many days are there in a week? There are seven days in a week. 一星期有几天? 一星期有七天。
- A whiff of ether will put you out in a few seconds. 一剂乙醚几秒钟后就会使你失去知觉。
- It's easy to while a few hours away in a museum. 在博物馆里很容易打发掉几个小时。
- John didn't say much but chipped in a few words. 约翰很少说话,但也偶尔插几句。
- In a few minutes Tom suddenly came to life. 一小会儿汤姆突然苏醒过来。
- The lease on our flat runs out in a few months. 我们公寓的租约还有几个月就到期了。
- The blade is chipped in a few places. 刀锋有几个地方缺口。
- How many days are there in a year? 一年有多少天?
- Now sum up (your views) in a few words. 现在(把你的观点)用几句话来概括一下。
- How many days do you give lessons in a week? 你一周上几天课?
- It was all over in a few moments. 不一会儿就都完了。
- In a few strides he crossed the room. 他几大步就穿过了房间。
- For in a minute there are many days. 我在度日如年。