- Five years experience in staff management. 五年员工管理的经验。
- I have four years'experience in staff management. 我有四年人力资源管理的经验。
- Minimum 3 years' experience in staff management. 须有最少3年管理员工的经验。
- Cutbacks in staff reached to the hundreds. 裁员达数百名。
- We have difficulty in staff the hotel. 我们在为饭店配备职员方面存在困难。
- Experience in staff work of quality assurance or quality control. 质量保证和质量控制经验。
- Responsible for the cleaning in staff locker room / dormitory. 负责酒店员工更衣室/宿舍的清洁工作。
- "It's a complicated issue involving ethical concerns and social norms," a staff worker surnamed Ma with the MOH's information office told China Daily. 一名姓马的在政府健康部门信息办公室工作的职员告诉中国日报:“这其实是一个很复杂的问题,因为它涉及到伦理问题和道德规范。”
- The company will serve a meal at noon to all staff workers. 该公司将为所有职员提供午餐。
- The role inborn thought processes plays in staff selection and retention. 运用人与生俱来的思维产生方式进行人员选拔和维持。
- The worker is dyeing cloth in a vat. 工人正在一个大桶里染布。
- Can now filter by “at least” in staff search in regards to their reputations. 现在在职员搜索中能通过对他们的声望设置“至少”选项来过滤。
- I am a worker, I work in the factory. 我是一个工人,我在工厂工作。
- The retired worker is sitting in the sunshine. 退休工人们正坐在阳光下。
- He was a famous model worker in his day. 当年,他是一位著名的劳动模范。
- Of course, the best preventive measure is to promote the qualities of honesty and integrity in staff. 当然,最佳的预防措施便是培养同事诚实及正直的素质。
- The steel worker come out in sympathy with the miner. 钢铁工人为声援矿工举行了罢工。
- We see it in Staff Sgt. Aubrey McDade, who charged into an ambush in Iraq and rescued three of his fellow Marines. 我们在奥布里-麦克戴德身上看到了美国精神,他在伊拉克勇闯敌阵就出了三个战友。
- We've seen it in Staff Sgt.Aubrey McDade, who charged into an ambush in Iraq and rescued three of his fellow Marines. 我们在上士麦达德身上的美国特质,他负责伊拉克的一次埋伏并拯救了三名同伴的海军陆战队队员。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。