- He took a beating in the stock market. 他在股市上遭受惨重的损失。
- He cleaned up in the stock market last year. 去年他在股票市场大捞一笔。
- Our new model is already on the stocks and will be available in the autumn. 我们正著手生产一种新的款式,可望在秋季面世。
- Tom scored again in the stock exchange. 汤姆在股票交易中又赚了一笔。
- The threat of inflation has made many city institutions batten down hatches and not take risks in the stock market. 通货膨胀的威胁已使城市许多公共机构作好准备,不去股票市场冒险。
- All the stock in the store has been marked down. 仓库里所有的存货都减价出售。
- Half the stock is destroyed in the warehouse fire. 一半库存货在仓库失火中被烧毁。
- Made some profit in the stock market, my stock. 我赚钱了,在股市。
- Playing in the stock market is really speculation. 玩股票真的是投机买卖。
- You have your money tied up in the stock. 你把自己的钱全给股票套住了。
- They dabble in the stock market. 他们少量投资于股市。
- Investing in the stock market is a risk. 投资股市其实就是一种冒险。
- Is it risky to invest money in the stock market? 投资于股票市场是有风险的吗?
- I lost my shirt in the stock market. 我在股市输掉了全部财产。
- There are a lot of variables in the stock market. 股票市场中有许多不确定因素。
- Investing in the stock market is a gamble. 在股票市场上投资是个赌博。
- Instead of risking his inheritance in the stock market, Tim decided to play safe and invest it in government bonds. 蒂姆没有把继承的钱财拿到证券市场去冒险,而是决定谨慎行事,购买政府公债。
- He made a million in the stock market. 他在证券市场赚了一百万。
- I foud a lot of goodies in the stocking! 我发现长袜里装有许多糖果!
- The stock in the barn cried to her hungrily. 牲口棚里的牲口饿得朝她嗷嗷叫。