- He took down the minute in shorthand. 他将会议记录速记下来。
- He take down the minute in shorthand. 他将会议记录速记下来。
- She took down the letter in shorthand. 她用速记把信记下来。
- The secretary made notes in shorthand. 秘书用速记写笔记。
- The reporter can take note in shorthand. 记者能用速记记笔记。
- The reporters took his speech down in shorthand. 记者用速记记下了他的讲演。
- The court proceeding is taken down in shorthand . 审判程序用速记记下。
- All the students took down the speech in shorthand. 学生们把那篇讲话都速记了下来。
- He took down a speech in shorthand. 他用速记法把演说记下来。
- The reporters took down the speech in shorthand. 记者们迅速记下讲话的内容。
- The court proceeding is taken down in shorthand. 审判程序用速记记下。
- Take a speech down in shorthand (with a recorder). 用速记(用录音机)录下一篇讲演。
- The typist took down the letter in shorthand. 打字员把那封信记下来。
- All the speeches were taken down in shorthand. 所有报告都用速记记录下来了。
- The speech was taken down in shorthand. 讲话用速记记下来了。
- He took down the minute in shorthand . 他将会议记录速记下来。
- A secretary took the chairman's speech down in shorthand. 秘书用速记把主席的讲话记下来。
- Would you like me to take this in shorthand or record it on cassette tape? 您要我速记还是用录音带录音。
- A symbol, such as one used in shorthand, that designates a particular phrase. 代表短语(词组)的符号代表某一特定短语的符号,如速记中使用的代词符号
- Would you want me to take them in shorthand or record them on a cassette tape? 您看是用速记的方式记录,还是用录音带记录呢?