- in reproof of laziness 谴责怠惰
- In his eye,the cat is the epitome of laziness. 他认为猫是懒惰的化身。
- He will not tolerate reproof of any kind. 他将不能忍受任何种类的责备。
- His failure is the fruit of laziness. 他的失败是懒惰的结果。
- My cat is the epitome of laziness. 我的猫是懒惰的化身。
- He roused up at the accusation of laziness. 他因被指责懒惰而振作起来。
- The boy failed the exam because of laziness. 由于懒惰,这男孩考试不及格。
- The ear that heareth the reproof of life abideth among the wise. 听从生命责备的,必常在智慧人中。
- And the reproofs of discipline are the way of life. 训诲的责备是生命的道。
- Slouch when standing or sitting, giving an impression of laziness. 站立或坐姿显得懒散,给人一种无精打采的感觉。
- Or as hot. Or as full of lazy insolent flies. 也不会那么炎热,不会有这么多懒洋洋的苍蝇。
- Ths boy failed of exam because of lazy. 由于懒惰,这男孩考试不及格。
- Robert was recalled from wit to wisdom, not by any reproof of hers but by his own sensibility. 罗伯特离开小聪明的陋室被召回智慧的大厦,那召唤者是他自己的敏感,而不是她的谴责。
- The mother crab tried in vain, then submitted without remonstrance to the reproof of her child. 螃蟹母亲徒劳无工,对于它孩子的反驳没有任何劝戒的投诚了。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- Whenever Scarlett raised her voice in reproof, he went weak with fright as his vague childish memory brought up the horrors of the first time she had ever done it. 每当思嘉大声责备他时,他便模糊地记起她第一次骂他时那种恐怖感,很快便吓得一声不响了。
- But I'm afraid she'll take that as a sign of laziness and give me the ax. 但我担心她会认为我有怠惰之嫌而炒我鱿鱼。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- Once under the control of laziness, talents will accomplish nothing. 才能一旦受懒惰支配,便将一事无成。