- I say,in justice to him,that he is a good teacher. 秉公而论,我认为他是个优秀的教师。
- Eg: They decided to investigate the case in justice to person. 为了对这件案件公正起见,他们决定调查这个案件。
- in justice to someone 作应有的评价;秉公而论
- I say, in justice to him, that he is a good teacher. 秉公而论,我认为他是个优秀的教师。
- This is no merit of my own; but I owe it in justice to myself to tell you so. 这并非我的优点,但确系发自内心的声音。
- He dispenses equal justice to all. 他对所有人一律公平对待。
- Yet all such daily chores are muted, not merely in deference to others but in justice to herself. 然而,她对所做的日常家务都不予声张,不仅出于对他人的尊重,也是对自己作出应有的评价。
- The company offered the job to someone else. 公司把这工作给别人了。
- Nevertheless,in justice to fair criticism be it said,the poet might have developed this beautiful idea in less than two hundred lines. 不过,如果也能考虑到评论界意见的话,诗人本来可以用不满两百行诗句就把这美妙的思想发挥得淋漓尽致。
- Don't suffer in silence- talk to someone you trust. 不要默默的承受,把你的一切告诉那些值得你信赖的人。
- Nevertheless, in justice to fair criticism be it said, the poet might have developed this beautiful idea in less than two hundred lines. 不过,如果也能考虑到评论界意见的话,诗人本来可以用不满两百行诗句就把这美妙的思想发挥得淋漓尽致。
- May I speak to someone in charge of shipping? 请负责船务的人听电话。
- In justice to Rushton and Hunter, it must be remembered that there was a certain amount of excuse for all this driving and cheating. 应该说拉什顿和亨特之所以赶工和偷工减料确也是迫于情势。
- He always tries to shift the blame to someone else. 他总是试图将过错推卸给别人。
- Bill always does justice to the turkey on Thanks giving. 感恩节时,比尔总是喜欢吃火鸡。
- Since we'd already eaten, we couldn't do justice to her cooking. 我们已经吃过饭了,所以吃不下她做的食物了。
- The transfer of property usually land to someone else. 将财产转让他人,通常指土地的转让。
- Barbara had so many things to do that she could not do justice to her lessons. 巴巴拉有许多事情要做,致使她没能正确对待她的功课。
- It is incumbent upon justice to give some warnings of their doubt about a case. 法官有责任提醒人们有关他们对案件的疑问。
- In justice is all virtue found in sum. 简言之,所有美德都是在正义中寻获。