- It was, in its way, a very charming room. 这间房就其特点而言是十分漂亮的了。
- It was,in its way,a very charming room. 这间房就其特点而言是十分漂亮的了。
- Nice enough in its way: for a little ballad. 唱一支民间小调嘛,倒还凑合。
- Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas. 纯粹数学,就其本质而言,是逻辑思想的诗篇。
- Love is all very well in its way, but friendship is much higher. 爱情诚可贵,友谊价更高。
- In its way, that was more reliable evidence of love than a million easy kisses. 这种爱比千万次轻易的亲吻更坚实。
- This program is all very well in its way,but it is not to my liking. 这个节目有它的优点,可是不对我的胃口。
- Method to test and capture any enemy pieces that might be in its way. 方法测试并俘获可能在其路上的所有敌方对象。
- Let every action be directed to some definite object, and perfect in its way. 行动要有固定目标,过程要求完善。
- We listened to Jenny finish the sonnet, which was in its way a kind of prayer. 我们听着詹尼念完诗,那简直就是一篇极有特色的祈祷词。
- Mankind has always struggled forward no matter what difficulty lies in its way. 不管道路上有什么困难, 人类总是要奋勇前进。
- This program is all very well in its way, but it is not to my liking. 这个节目有它的优点,可是不对我的胃口。
- In its way, Roos translates the modernity through ancestral recollections. 在其道路上,罗斯(Roos)通过祖先往事来演绎现代性。
- Aluminium was slowly wedging its way in the metal market. 当时铝正在慢慢地挤入金属市场。
- No,above ground is fine in its way,but one's home should be underground. 是的,住在地上从某一方面是好的,但一个好的住处应该在地下。”
- In its way, suicide settles the absurd.It engulfs the absurd in the same death. 自杀以它固有的方式消解了荒谬,以同样的死亡吞噬了荒谬。
- This is a clear sign that BPEL is in its way of becoming a key standard in BPI. 这是非常清楚的标志在BPI行业中将变成一个关键的标准。
- The mother rocked the baby to sleep in its cradle. 母亲摇动摇篮使婴儿入睡。
- Each of the components is useful in its degree. 每一个元件都各有程度不同的用处。
- The grandfather clock was back in its old place. 落地式大摆钟已放回原处了。