- I am glad to always find her in high spirits. 我对经常看到她情绪高涨感到很高兴。
- The president was in high credit with the students. 这位校长在学生中享有很高的声。
- He left the house in high spirits. 他兴高采烈地离开了屋子。
- He likes swimming in high summer. 他喜欢在盛夏游泳。
- She sent him off in high spirits. 她兴高采烈地为他送行。
- On the trip to Hawaii, we were all in high spirits. 在去夏威夷的旅途中,我们都很开心。
- She dropped acid in high school. 她高中时代服迷幻药。
- All his students held him in high esteem. 他的学生对他都很尊敬。
- He stormed out of the meeting in high dudgeon. 他盛怒之下冲出会场。
- I suppose Tom is quite in high spirits at your success? 我想汤姆对你的成功感到相当高兴吧?
- People in the city held the impartial judge in high regard. 这个城市的人们都很尊敬这位公正的法官。
- The minister said that there was corruption in high places. 部长说某些高层人物中间产生了腐败的现象。
- Increased sales were reflected in higher profits. 销售量的增加带来了更大的利润。
- Phase B in this system is a high leg aka a 'stinger' leg that measures 208 volts to the neutral. 截至目前,福建省已经形成了以省、市、县三级政府及其部门网站为基本架构的全省政府网站体系。
- The door flip-floped in high wind. 门在大风中摇摆不定。
- Cassidy is always held in high estimation. 卡锡迪总是受到人们的崇敬。
- Our sheep are summered in high pastures every year. 我们每年在高地牧场给我们的羊群作夏季放牧。
- in high leg 非常高兴
- Walnut Meat is in high demand these days. 这些日子核桃仁的需求量很大。
- He stomped out of the room in high dudgeon. 他愤怒地噔噔走出了屋子。