- The play is set in Jiangxi province. 这戏中的故事发生在江西。
- Jindezhen in Jiangxi Province produces fine porcelain. 江西景德镇出产精美的瓷器。
- Eleven new diseases were found on cayenne pepper in Jiangxi province. 本文报道了江西辣椒新病害11种,其中,真菌病害9种、细菌病害1种和寄生性种子植物诱发的病害1种。
- Coincidentally, Deng Chao is also the out-and-out people in Jiangxi Province. 巧合的是,邓超也是地地道道的江西人。
- I know the porcelain made in Jingdezhen in Jiangxi Province is well-know all over the world. 我知道江西景德镇的瓷器名扬天下。
- The Dexing copper mine in Jiangxi Province is a porphyry copper ore field of veinlet-dissemi-nated type. 江西德兴铜矿是一个细脉浸染型斑岩铜矿田。
- I became acquainted with Comrade Bocheng in 1931,when we were working in the Central Soviet Area in Jiangxi Province. 我同伯承同志认识,是在一九三一年,那时我们都在江西中央苏区。
- Dexing Copper Mine in Jiangxi province is the biggest open-pit non-ferrous metal mine in China,and it is a porphyry copper deposit. 江西德兴铜矿是我国最大的有色露天金属矿,属斑岩型铜矿山。
- I became acquainted with Bocheng in 1931 in the Central Soviet Area in Jiangxi Province. 我认识伯承,是一九三一年在中央苏区。
- I became acquainted with Comrade Bocheng in 1931, when we were working in the Central Soviet Area in Jiangxi Province. 我同伯承同志认识,是在一九三一年,那时我们都在江西中央苏区。
- There are 31 species, 1 subspecies and 15 varieties of the genus Acer L. in Jiangxi Province. 江西产槭树31种、1亚种及15变种。
- During the Ming-Qing Dynasties, there were some Shed people in Jiangxi province. 摘要明清时期,江西境内有相当数量的棚民。
- Objective: To investigate the basic fauna and geographical distribution of blackflies in Jiangxi Province. 目的:对江西省进行蚋相调查,初步摸清代表性地区蚋类区系。
- He quoted his own experience in Jiangxi. 他提到自已在江西的经历。
- Gan dialect, represented by Nanchang dialect, is generally used in Jiangxi Province and southeastern Hubei Province. 赣方言:以南昌话为代表,通行于中国的江西省和湖北省东南一带。
- Late Triassic Anyuan coal measures,is one of main coal-bearing strata in Jiangxi Province. 江西省晚三叠世安源煤系,为江西省主要含煤地层之一,其煤种为烟煤,煤质好且为较好的动力用煤。
- But it can't," said Deng, who saw the infomercial on a television station based in Jiangxi province. 邓说,他是在江西省一个电视台看到这个直销广告的。
- I was born in Jiangxi Province, on the Nankang-poor families back to the town ah! 我本来就出生在江西南康龙回小镇的贫困家庭啊!
- Sanqingshan Mountain, Jiangxi Province, located in the northeast of Shangrao in Jiangxi Province. 江西三清山,它地坐落于江西上饶东北部。
- Jingde Town in Jiangxi Province is known around the world as the City of Porcelain. 江西景德镇以瓷都之称闻名于世界。