- We were still in British waters. 我们仍在英国的领海上。
- Spiny lobsters are actually a type of crayfish and don't usually occur in British waters. 这只大螯虾与普通小龙虾是“亲戚”,而且它隶属的螯龙虾种类在英国非常罕。
- According to an ancient statute, all sturgeons, whales and dolphins found in British waters belong to her, as do all swans in Britain’s rivers. 依照一些古老的法规, 所有在不列颠水域里捕获的鳝鱼、鲸和海豚都属于她,湖里的天鹅也是如此。
- The orange roughy, a slow-growing perch now marketed as empereur, was virtually fished out in British waters soon after trawlermen set their sights on it in 1991. 罗非鱼是一种生长缓慢的鲈鱼,现在市场售价极贵,实际上它在1991年被渔民盯上后不久,就在英国海域被捕尽。
- The ship is in British waters. 这条船行驶在英国的海域里。
- The word "postman" is used in British English. "postman"一词用於英国英语中。
- In British India, district commissioners had judicial powers. 在过去的英属印度,地区长官有审判权。
- British waters were a "military area". 英国领海是“军事区”。
- This expression is used in British English. 这表达被用于英式英语。
- Listen! The Woods are talking in British English. 听,武德一家在用英国英语交谈。
- This use is less common in British English. 这种用法在英式英语中不多见。
- Yet the shift in British politics is now palpable. 然而现在英国政治转型十分明显。
- N.J.Vig.Science and Technology in British Politics. 威廉*J*克林顿;小阿伯特*戈尔.;科学与国家利益
- A proverb in British says: time is money. 英国有句谚语说,时间就是金钱。
- In British army a field marshal ranks above a general. 在英国陆军中,元帅的军衔比上将高。
- A captain in British Navy takes rank with colonel in the army. 英国海军上校和陆军上校同级。
- The monarchy in England plays an important role in British culture. 英格兰的君主政体在英国文化中起重要作用。
- How did yon find business conditions in British Columbia? 你认为不列颠哥伦比亚的生意情况怎么样?
- After leaving British waters disguised as a merchant ship, the Alabama was outfitted as a combatant by supply ships and placed in commission on August 24, 1862. 阿拉巴马号伪装成商船从英国离开后,被补给船装备成战舰并于1862年8月24号正式使用。
- On the surface,the fuss is about discrimination in British society. 从表面上看,这一轰动事件涉及英国社会的歧视问题。