- impose or inflict forcefully. 用武力强加于或造成。
- To impose or collect(a tax, for example. 征税征收或收集(如税款)
- To impose or collect(a tax, for example). 征税征收或收集(如税款)
- The act or process of imposing or meting out something unpleasant. 施以,加诸将不好的东西强加或摊派的动作或过程
- The president imposed or declared martial law in two province. 总统宣布在两个省实施军事管制法。
- The mind is the result of the torments the flesh undergoes or inflicts upon itself. 灵魂是肉体遭受折磨的结果或自我惩罚的结果。
- They would frequently punish serfs and slaves by gouging out their eyes,cutting off their ears,arms or legs,drowning them or inflicting other terrible penalties. 他们动辄对农奴和奴隶实施剜目、割耳、断手、剁脚、投水等骇人听闻的酷刑。
- A media blackout refers to the censoring of news related to a specific topic.It can be either governmentally imposed or voluntary. 指的是对特定主题新闻的审查,可能由公权力执行或自愿配合。
- Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。
- "Ah," replied Roger Chillingworth, with that quietness, which, whether imposed or natural, marked all his deportment, "it is thus that a young clergyman is apt to speak. “啊,”罗杰 - 其灵渥斯说,不管是做作的还是天生的,他的举止总是安详得令人瞩目,“一个年轻的牧师确实喜欢这么讲话。
- To inflict great distress or torment on. 使困苦,使苦恼使遭受巨大的悲伤和折磨
- To inflict wounds or a wound on. 伤害使在伤口上施加痛苦
- Don't impose yourself on people who don't want you. 不要缠着不愿和你在一起的人。
- To inflict an injury or injuries on. 侵害使遭受伤害
- To inflict(vengeance or punishment) upon a person. 施行报复对某人施以(报复或惩罚)
- impose or thrust urgently, importunately, or inexorably. 紧迫急迫或无情地强加于或强制。
- I don't want to impose on you by staying too long. 我不想打扰你,不多耽搁了。
- Don't try to impose your wishes on us. 不要试图把你的愿望强加给我们。
- Disposed to inflict pain or suffering. 残暴的倾向于强加痛楚或痛苦的
- Many one or little one is indifferent to me. 多一个或少一个对我是无关紧要的。