- He serves an important function in the company. 他在公司里有着很重要的作用。
- The family has the important function of socializing children. 家庭有教孩子适应社会的重要作用。
- Arbitrage is the ETF to achieve a very important function. 实现套利是ETF的一个很重要的功能。
- Another equally important function of advertising is to inform. 广告另一同样重要的作用是提供信息.
- Our sports day is the most important function of the year. 运动会那一天是我们一年里最盛大的活动。
- They are of important function to strengthening people's constitutions. 这对增强人的体质有重要的作用。
- The trace element has an important function for the growth of cultivated Rheum. 摘要微量元素对于种植青海大黄的生长发育有着重要作用。
- PGH gene is a important functional gene. 生长激素基因是一个重要的功能基因。
- The carbonization have a important function in the mechanical industry. 渗碳工艺在机械行业中扮演着重要角色。
- I know coopers once had it before, and it did have important function. 可以设计一个问卷表,让员工填写,然后放入一个挂起来的匿名箱子里。
- The silk kerchief,as a kind of trimmings,there is important function. 丝巾作为服饰整体搭配的配饰之一,起着举足轻重的作用。
- Dietary fiber does, however, serve important functions. 但膳食纤维有重要功能。
- Pentosans are important functional compositions in wheat flour. 戊聚糖是小麦粉中重要的功能性成分。
- Even an important function such as silencing the ringer is often beyond the expertise of average phone users. 即使是有些重要的功能,比如静音,也经常超出了普通使用者的能力。
- In addition, a DLL might import functions contained in another DLL. 此外,DLL能够输入另一个DLL中包含的函数。
- Making copies of those plates for different users is an important function of the library. 把这些照片复制,供给不同的使用者是该馆的一项重要任务。
- The tropical cyclone warning service is an important function of the Observatory. 发出热带气旋警告,是天文台一项重要的工作。
- The most important function of garments is enhancing your confidence instead of making you good-looking". 服装最大的功能,是增加你的自信而不是看起来漂亮”。
- This is one of the most important functions of commercial correspondence. 这是商业信函最重要的作用之一。
- In modern electronic war, emitter identification is a important function of ELINT and ESM. 在现代电子战中,辐射源识别是电子情报侦察系统(ELINT)和电子支援系统(ESM)重要功能之一。