- Vietnam tried to protect the steel industry by raising the steel import tariff. 越南试图通过提高钢铁进口关税来保护钢铁业。
- Above for valid two weeks ending June 4th 5 p.m but any import tariff change yr. risk n a/c. 上述报价有效期为两周,至六月四日下午5时止,但进吕税率如发生变动,则由贵公司负担。
- Above offer valid next Wednesday 4th p.m but any import tariff change your risk and account. 上述报价在下周三下午四时前有效,但进口税率如发生变动,则由你方负担。
- Under the new trade agreement,the import tariff comes off certain kinds of goods. 根据新的贸易合同,几种货物免收进口税。
- In such nations the import tariff becomes a crucial source, not of industrial protection but of public revenue. 在这些国家中,进口税不是作为一项保护工业的措施,而是作为财政收入的一项决定性来源。
- Under the new trade agreement, the import tariff comes off certain kinds of goods. 根据新的贸易合同,几种货物免收进口税。
- In general,tariffs can be divided an import tariff and an export tariff. 一般来说,关税可分为进口关税和出口关税。
- Decretal provision, the person that buy a car first, the car pay that all must buy to place the 45 import tariff of % .. 法令规定 ;首次购买轿车者 ;均须对所购的轿车缴纳45 %25的进口关税...
- During this period, China lowered its import tariff rates on several occasions and realized the convertibility of RMB in regular items. 在这期间,中国多次降低进口关税,并且实现了人民币的自由兑换。
- The most widespread tariff is the import tariff,which is a tax levied on an imported product. 普遍采用的是进口关税,即对进口商品征收的关税。
- China has reduced the import tax on spare parts for large equipment and canceled the import tariff exemption on some complete sets to support domestic manufacturing. 中国政府削减了大型设备零部件进口税,取消了一些整套设备进口关税减免优惠以支持国内设备生产。
- The smallest reduction was for RBD palm oil whose import tariff was cut by $3 a tonne to $432 a tonne, while that for crude soyoil was reduced by $13 a tonne to $497 a tonne. 关税降幅最小的精炼食用棕榈油,每吨下调了3美元,降至每吨432美元,毛豆油的进口关税每吨下调了13美元,降至每吨497美元。
- Article 7 The import tariff quotas of agriculture products shall be administered uniformly by the State Development Planning Commission (hereinafter referred to as the SDPC) . 第七条农产品进口关税配额由国家发展计划委员会(以下简称“国家计委”)统一管理。
- Article 7 The import tariff quotas of bean oil, colza oil, palm oil, sugar, wool and wool tops shall be subject to the distribution of the Ministry of Commerce. 第七条豆油、菜子油、棕榈油、食糖、羊毛、毛条进口关税配额由商务部分配。
- The agencies authorized by SDRC are in charge of the applications for the import tariff quotas of wheat, corn, rice and cotton within their respective areas. 发展改革委授权机构负责受理本地区内小麦、玉米、大米、棉花进口关税配额的申请。
- In order to protect the development of their own industry, the import tariff and import quota of CBU (Completely-Build-Up)are more severe in developing countries, while in terms of KD(Knock-Down)is much lower. 为了促进本国工业的发展,各国通常采取一定的贸易保护做法,对于从国外直接进口的完成品CBU(Completely- Build-Up)课以较重的税率并执行严格的进口配额,而以散件KD(Knock-Down)方式进口零件所适用的税率相对都低很多。
- The industry analysis of the view that the business card printing and membership card equipment import tariff policy adjustment for domestic card and membership card equipment import trade. 业内人士分析认为,制卡和会员卡制作设备进口税政策的调整对于我国制卡和会员卡制作设备进口贸易影响极大。
- Preferential import tariffs,etc.(ie favouring a particular group,country,etc. 特惠关税(优待某团体、国家等).
- Article 3 The categories of agriculture subject to the administration of import tariff quotas are: wheat, corn, rice, bean oil, colza oil, palm oil, sugar, cotton, wool woolen silver. 第三条实行进口关税配额管理的农产品品种为:小麦、玉米、大米、豆油、菜籽油、棕榈油、食糖、棉花、羊毛以及毛条。
- Nigeria adjusts multinomial product custom duty to removed Nigeria to entrance product adjusted custom duty and abolish to the part on January 1 from this year import tariff the discount of 25 % . 尼日利亚调整多项产品关税 从今年1月1日起尼日利亚对部分进口产品调整了关税并废止进口税25%25的折扣。