- On implied negative sentence in English 浅谈英语中的含蓄否定句
- implied negatives 含蓄否定
- On Expression of the English Implied Negative Sentence 论英语中的含蓄否定句
- An underlying or implied tendency or meaning; an undercurrent. 含意; 暗流; 内在性质隐含的或含蓄的倾向或意义; 潜在势力
- He implied that you were all wrong. 他暗示你们都错了。
- Her frown implied that she did not agree with us. 她眉头深锁表示不同意我们的意见。
- In Latin, two negatives in the same sentence always amounted to an affirmation. 过去拉丁文中两个否定总是相当於肯定。
- You can print pictures from these negatives. 你可以用这些底片打印出照片。
- Judgement is implied in every apprehensive act. 每一种理解的行为都说明是运用了判断。
- It was implied by his non-committal opening remark. 这在他那篇模棱两可的开场白中暗含着。
- Her smile implied her consent to our proposal. 她的微笑暗示她赞成我们的提议。
- Please make enlargements of these two negatives. 请放大这二张底片。
- Electrical positives attract electrical negatives. 正电荷吸引负电荷。
- His reply implied a criticism of our work. 他的回答暗含着对我们工作的批评。
- "No", "not" and "neither" are negatives. "no", "not"和"neither" 都是否定词。
- Any negatives in a possible merger? 如果合并会有什么不利吗?
- I disliked the implied criticism in his voice. 我讨厌他暗中批评的口吻。
- Two negatives make a affirmative. 否定的否定是肯定。
- An implied meaning;implicit significance. 隐含的意义;暗喻
- Two negatives make an offirmative. 两个否定等于肯定,负负得正。