- It would be bad taste to refuse their invitation. 拒绝他们的邀请是不礼貌的。
- I am only too glad to accept your kind invitation. 我非常高兴地接受你的邀请。
- I excepted James from my invitation. 我没有邀请詹姆斯。
- Thank you for your kind invitation. 谢谢你的盛情邀请。
- He made a refusal of her invitation. 他拒绝了她的邀请。
- There was unmistakable invitation in her eyes. 她的目光里有明白无误的诱惑的意味。
- She felt the necessity of accepting the invitation. 她感到必须接受这一邀请。
- She passed up the invitation to dinner. 她谢绝出席宴会的邀请。
- I think he would accept the invitation. 我想他会接受邀请的。
- He readily accepted an invitation to dinner. 他欣然接受邀请去吃晚饭。
- We have received an invitation to dine out today. 我们接到今天赴宴的邀请。
- I am happy to accept your invitation. 我很高兴接受你的邀请。
- It's improbable that she'll accept the invitation. 她不大可能接受邀请。
- My bet is that she won't refuse his invitation. 我认为她不会拒绝他的邀请。
- She debated whether to accept his invitation. 她考虑是否接受他的邀请。
- Your invitation gave him extreme joy. 你的邀请使他高兴极了。
- An underlying or implied tendency or meaning; an undercurrent. 含意; 暗流; 内在性质隐含的或含蓄的倾向或意义; 潜在势力
- He implied that you were all wrong. 他暗示你们都错了。
- He gladly accepted their invitation. 他欣然接受了他们的邀请。
- Her frown implied that she did not agree with us. 她眉头深锁表示不同意我们的意见。