- They are independent of any specific service implementation model. 它们独立于任何特定于服务实现的模型。
- Mathematical thinking is an implementation model trap that is particularly easy for programmers to fall into. 数学式的思维方式是实现模型的陷阱,尤其是程序员特别容易掉进去。
- This follows the implementation model, which treats input and output as different processes. 这遵循了实现模型,即将输入和输出处理为不同的过程。
- We can see how an implementation model interface ticks by learning how to run its program. 我们可以通过学习如何运行程序来理解实现模型界面的构成,问题在于反过来也是如此。
- For this reason, many programmers present hierarchies (the implementation model) in user interfaces. 基于这个原因,很多程序员喜欢在界面中展现层次关系(实现模型)。
- It is also the place where the programmer’s implementation model is typically made most apparent to users. 导航也恰恰是程序员最容易将其实现模型展现给用户的地方。
- This is because these power users have already shown their ability and tolerance by learning the implementation model. 但这比你所想到的要少得多,这是因为很多超级用户通过学习实现模型已经显示了自己的能力和耐力。
- Interaction designers must shield users from implementation models. 交互设计者必须要将实现模型隐藏起来,不能让用户看到。
- This means that they are often a reflection of the implementation model and are not representative of user goals. 这意味着它们是实现模型的反映,而不是用户目标的代表。
- Revealing the implementation model to users is a surefire way to create an unpleasant and inferior product. This means that confirmation messages are inappropriate. 向用户展示实现模型,产生的用户界面一定是让人不愉快且低劣的用户界面,这意味着确认消息是不恰当的。
- In the digital world, however, the differences between a user’s mental model and the implementation model are often quite distinct. 然而,在数字世界里,用户的心理模型和实现模型经常是截然不同的。
- Figure 17-4: The revised file menu now better reflects the user’s mental model, rather than the programmer’s implementation model. 图17-4 这个改善了的新式文件菜单更好地反映了用户的心理模型,而不是程序员的实现模型。
- To conform to the user’s mental model, it should then erase the original even though that contradicts the implementation model. 但是为了符合用户的心理模型,即使违背了实现模型,操作系统也应该删除原来的旧文件。
- The problem Mom is having stems from the simple mistake of faithfully rendering that excellent implementation model as an interface for users. 你母亲遇到的问题是因为忠实地将优秀的实现模型作为用户界面造成的。
- As knowledge grid is an advanced technology for knowledge management, implementation model and structure has been the focus of the study. 摘要知识网格作为知识管理的前沿技术,其实现模型和体系结构一直是研究的重点。
- Then cooperation between many robots based on contract net is discussed. Finally, an implementation model of multi robot systems based BDI model is presented. 文章先从形式逻辑角度描述系统模型 ,然后讨论基于合同网的多机器人智能体的协作机制 ,最后给出基于BDI模型的多机器智能体的实现模型
- It is credit automatic implementation model of implicit contract, simply analyses with credit morals game theory and reality of credit propose separately. 分别是信用默认契约的自动实施模型、信用道德博弈论浅析和信用的现实建议。
- User interfaces and interactions designed by engineers, who know precisely how software works, quite often lead to a represented model that is very consistent with its implementation model. 工程师精确地了解软件的工作原理,由他们设计的用户界面和用户交互容易产生和实现模型非常一致的表现模型。
- User interfaces should be based on user mental models rather than implementation models. 用户界面应该基于用户的心理模型,而不能基于实现模型。
- By all these, it has provided an implemental model for the general Key-Frame Animation Theory. 从而为一般的关键帧动画理论在三维交互环境中的具体应用提供了一个现实的实践模型。