- Streptococcal Pyoderma or Impetigo Contagiosa 链球菌脓皮病或接触性脓疱病
- impetigo contagiosa bullosa [医] 大疱触染性脓疱病, 科利特氏化脓病
- impetigo contagiosa 触染性脓疱病
- A diagnosis of ampullar impetigo was made and she received cloxacillin for 3 weeks without improvement. 她被诊断为壶腹状脓疱疹,接受邻氯青霉素治疗3周,没有改善。
- A 76-year-old man developed fulminant liver failure and subsequently died following treatment with gatifloxacin for impetigo. 1例76岁男性因使用加替沙星治疗脓疱病而发生肝衰竭死亡。
- At the same time, general hygiene was publicized to prevent the transmission of impetigo. 结果治疗后第2天,4例脓疱疮患儿病灶渗出明显减轻,部分开始结痂;
- To understand the clinical and histopathological features of impetigo herpetiformis(IH),23 cases were analyzed . 为了了解疱疹样脓疱病的临床与病理特点,对23例病人进行了分析。
- SOURCES: News release, FDA. WebMD Medical News: "Understanding Impetigo -- the Basics." News release, GlaxoSmithKline. 来源:新闻搞,FDA,网络医学新闻“了解脓疱的发生”葛兰素史克新闻搞。
- Impetigo (streptococcal infection of the skin) is another contagious skin infection common in displaced people. 脓疱病(链球菌导致的皮肤感染)是灾民中另一种常见的接触性皮肤传染病。
- A 26-year-old female with impetigo herpetiformis and gestational intrahepatic cholestasis is first formally reported. 报告1例疱疹样脓疱病并发妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症。
- A preventive herbal cream for dry skin diseases,cuts,scratches,minor bums, wounds,cold sores,chapped skin,furuncle,impetigo and intertrigo. 干性皮肤病,割伤,抓伤,蚊虫叮咬,创伤,风湿,皲裂皮肤,疔疮,脓包和擦烂皮肤专用的预防性中药膏。
- Objective: To analyze relevant factors of hospital acquired impetigo neonatorum and to elucidate its prevention methods. 目的:对医院获得性新生儿脓疱疮发生的可能病因进行分析并探讨其预防措施。
- Yu Xiaxie sea often cause skin allergies, urticaria, eczema, neurodermatitis, impetigo, psoriasis and other skin diseases of the intractable seizures. 如海鱼虾蟹往往引起皮肤过敏者荨麻疹、湿疹、神经性皮炎、脓疱疮、牛皮癣等顽固性皮肤病的发作。
- Loss of all or portions of the epidermis alone, as in impetigo or herpes zoster or simplex after vesicles rupture, produces an erosion. 糜烂就是仅有表皮的部分或全部缺失,如在脓疱病、带状疱疹或单纯疱疹水疱破裂之后。
- Objective To investigate the therapeutic and nursing effects of using calamine mixture fluid on newborn babies with impetigo. 目的观察炉甘石混合液用于治疗新生儿脓疱疮的疗效及总结护理要点。
- The incidence rate of impetigo in infants born in Hospital A(33.9%)was significantly higher than those of infants born in the other two (11.5% and 13.9% respectively). 甲院出生的婴儿脓疱病发病率(33.;9%25)显著高于乙院(11
- Methods:The clinical data of neonatal impetigo infection in neonates born in the department of obstetrics in our hospital were analyzed retrospectively. 方法:对某院4月份产科出生的新生儿脓疱疮感染的临床资料进行回顾性分析。
- For general first aid uses such as cuts, burns, abrasions, insect bites, bee stings, rashes, impetigo, boils, pimples, sinus problems, fingernail and toenail infections. 对于一般的急救用途,例如割伤,烧伤,擦伤,昆虫咬伤,蜂蜇,皮疹,脓疱疮,疖子,青春痘,窦问题,指甲和趾甲感染。
- Hong Kong Skin & Laser Centre treats diseases of skin, such as acne, rosacea, eczema/dermatitis, impetigo, dermatophytosis, candidiasis, herpes zoster and actinic keratosis. 港颜皮肤激光中心医治皮肤疾患,包括痤疮(暗疮)、酒渣鼻、湿疹/皮炎、脓疱症、皮真菌病、念珠菌病、带状疱疹、光化性角化病等等。
- hepatitis contagiosa canis virus 犬传染性肝炎病毒