- What are your plans for the immediate future? 你最近有什麽计画?
- The immediate future is clear, but it's hard to tell what lies beyond. 近期内的情况很清楚,但很难说以后如何。
- The prospects for the immediate future are good. 短期内前景乐观。
- In the short run In the immediate future. 在不远的将来。
- If that were broken, I should despair of the immediate future. 假如这一点遭到破坏,我对最近的将来就绝望了。
- The immediate future is clear,but it's hard to tell what lies beyond. 近期内的情况很清楚,但很难说以后如何。
- He promised that there would be no tax increases in the immediate future. 他许诺在最近的一段时间之内不会增加税收。
- Only a small fraction thought that FDI would decrease in the immediate future. 只有极少部分预测外国直接投资将很快下降。
- And like Garrett, Martell is resigned to a not-so-bright immediate future. " 像Garrett一样, Martell对于不太景气的未来几年听之任之。"
- In the palace at Ramat, two young men sat smoking and considering the immediate future. 在拉马特的王宫里,有两个年青人一面坐着吸烟,一面在考虑着近在眼前的未来。
- With the practical question of Bethune's immediate future work agreed upon, the conversation turned back to Spain. 他们商妥了白求恩在最近的将来的工作这个实际问题后,话题又转到了西班牙。
- So long as we think only of the immediate future, it seems that what we can do is not much. 我们如果只想到最近的将来,那么我们能做的事情似乎不多。
- A great move for the Nets. But J-Kidd is too old for the Lakers to invest their immediate future in him. 对网队来说是个很大的调整。但是湖人要投资在他们的未来,基德太老了些。
- There are many cases where transactions involving foreign exchange (FX) are not confined to the immediate future. 有许多涉及外汇(FX)的交易都不限于近期期货。
- There are no plans for new graphics and models (for the Druid forms) in the immediate future. 目前还没有具体的计划来针对德鲁伊不同形态下的模型进行修改,当然我们并不排除以后会这么做的可能。
- Most are fatalistic about their immediate future and are simply awaiting instructions. 大部分人对于未来听天由命,只知等候指示。
- Once again, Micah jumps from predicting the immediate future to predicting the start of the Messianic age. 第五章弥迦又从不久的将来,跳到预言弥赛亚时代的开始。
- Valeri Bojinov has resolved the doubts over his immediate future by insisting he is staying at Juventus. 博季诺夫已解除关于他近期的疑虑。他声明,他要留在尤文图斯。
- Russia's accession to the WTO, the immediate future, China and Russia will bring about some textile trade shocks and fluctuations. 俄加入世贸组织,近期内,将对中俄纺织品贸易带来一些冲击和波动。
- More significant for the immediate future, however, was Roosevelt's decision further to relieve the British position in the North Atlantic. 然而,对最近的将来而言,更重要的是罗斯福决定进一步缓和英国在北大西洋中的地位。