- Density Functional Theory, Cytosine, Tautomerism. 密度泛函理论;胞嘧啶;
- The suitable organic imine reactants have a variety of compositions and structures. 合适的有机亚胺反应剂具有多种组成和结构。
- This complex reaction is characterized by a keto-enol tautomerism eqilibrium and ester exchange reaction. 此螯合反应是由酮一烯醇互变异构平衡过程和酯交换反应组成。
- The alternative use of buffered silica gel resulted in modest hydrolysis (~5-10%) of the imine. 选用温和的水解导致缓冲硅胶(~5-10%25)的亚胺.
- Fog in such supersensitized emulsions, which are prone to enamine dye-produced fog, can be reduced by employing an azaindene in the emulsion. 这些超增感乳剂中的灰雾,可能是由形成的烯胺染料引起的,并且这种灰雾,可采用向乳剂中加入氮茚来降低。
- On the basis of this, 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions were studied using imine esters as the starting marerials. 在此基础上以氨基酸酯亚胺类化合物为原料主要研究了1,3-偶极子环加成反应。
- Hydroxycyclohexaneacetic acid lactone,a new prefume,has been synth esized from cyclohexanone via enamine reaction,NaBH4 reduction and lacyonization . 本文以环己酮为原料通过烯胺反应、还原反应以及内酯化反应合成了新型香料2-羟基环己烷乙酸内酯。
- Keto-enol tautomerism is the most common tautomery phenomenon.Keto -enol themselves are the real chemical substance. 酮及烯醇互变是互变作用最普通的现象,它们都是真实的化学实体。
- "Constitutional isomers that can be readily converted from one to another are called tautomers (see tautomerism). 彼此间很容易相互转换的组成异构体称为互变异构体现象。
- Studies of the UV-VIS spectra of them in several acid solutions indicate the quinone-ammoni-um tautomerism. 在一定的酸性介质中,这类冠醚存在着铵琨互变异构,测定了它们在不同介质中的紫外-可见光谱,并对最大吸收峰进行归属。
- Metal salts and Carboxy, keto, aldehyde, acetoacetoxy, complexes phosphonic acid, imine, amino and thio. 金属盐类和羧基,酮,醛,乙酰乙酸,配合膦酸,亚胺,氨基酸和硫代。
- The influence of the loading of iodine, reaction solvent, the structure of imine and enol ethers was studied. 详细考察了碘的用量、反应溶剂、亚胺和烯醇醚的结构对反应的影响。
- Semiempirical MNDO ealculations were performed in order to study theformhydroxamic acid-formhydroximic acid tautomerism. 应用半经验MNDO方法研究了甲异羟肟酸与甲羟肟酸的互变异构平衡。
- The meso carbon atom of the methine linkage of the dye is attached to the nitrogen atom of a group which forms an enamine with the methine linkage of the dye. 该染料甲川链上的碳原子与氨基的氮原子相连,而该氮原子又与染料的甲川链形成烯胺。
- The application of polyethylene imine to the coating white board production can inprove thefilterabilitry of pulp and the stiffness of the board. 聚乙烯亚胺应用于涂布白板纸的生产,以改善纸浆的滤水性能,提高板纸挺度。
- In addition, it is possible to form an imine intermediate in this reaction, which seems more like a by-product from our calculation. 理论上,反应过程中还有可能生成亚胺类化合物,但计算结果表明其为副反应。
- The conclusion is that PAN and nano-TiO2 were composed effectively, and it is possible that bonding action occurred between imine N and Ti. 分析表明,PAN与纳米TiO2有效的复合在一起,聚苯胺主链中的亚胺氮与Ti之间发生键合作用。
- When the tautomer DTP(1,3,7) reacts with the electrophilic carcinogen BPDE,the atomic S10 of DTP(1,3,7) superiorly attacks the BPDE. 二硫酮DTP(1;3;7)在水相中与致癌物BPDE进行亲核取代反应时;二硫酮DTP(1;3;7)中的S10原子优先进攻亲电试剂BPDE.
- Our manufactory mainly produces copper and aluminum covered wire, also the single copper and aluminum wire, polyester and imine covered wire, cotton and paper covered wire. 我厂除主要生产铜,铝玻璃丝包线外,还生产光身铜、铝线材,聚酯亚胺包线(俗称:黄金薄膜包线)、纱包线、纸包线等。
- Abstract: Bridged imine acetamide was synthesized via the reactions such as triacetylation,bridge formation,reduction and acetylation,using Ery A oxime as the starting material. 摘 要: 以红霉素肟为起始原料,经三乙酰化、桥化、还原、乙酰化四个步骤合成桥红霉素亚胺,总收率28%25。