- This was a crafty manoeuvre to outwit his pursuers. 这是一个高招,他以此骗倒了追逐他的人。
- imaginal manoeuvre 想像转移
- A rapid manoeuvre by the driver prevented an accident. 司机动作迅速而熟练因此避免了一场事故。
- They laid out the enemy by skilful manoeuvre. 他们施巧夺天工计拖垮了敌人。
- This manoeuvre of his is a diabolical conspiracy. 他这一手是个居心叵测的大阴谋。
- They tired out the enemy by skilful manoeuvre. 他们施巧计拖垮了敌人。
- They've got the money to manoeuvre with. 他们扳得转!
- Small farmers have limited room for manoeuvre. 小农场的经营变化的余地有限。
- There was very little room to manoeuvre. 几乎没有什么活动空间。
- They tired out the enemy by skilful manoeuvre . 他们施巧计拖垮了敌人。
- Such a manoeuvre could cut both ways. 这种策略有利有弊。
- Work quite bouncy, stay have room for manoeuvre. 做事颇有弹性,留有回旋余地。
- The clutter of ships had little room to manoeuvre. 船只橫七竖八地挤在一起,几乎没有多少移动的空间。
- Manoeuvre to approach him from windward. 操纵船艇以便顺风向他驶近。
- Room for manoeuvre; allow some latitude. 留点回旋余地。
- She tried all imaginal ways to prevent a prosecution. 她用尽一切想得到的办法阻止她们控告。
- This author's imaginal tip stories always delight her readers. 读者们一直都很喜爱这个作者富有想象力的故事。
- On the question of sovereignty, China has no room for manoeuvre. 关于主权问题,中国在这个问题上没有回旋余地。
- Also easy to promote the imaginal memory and the narration spreads. 也容易促进形象记忆和讲述流传。
- Inverted flight is an acrobatic manoeuvre of the plane. 倒飞是飞机的一种特技动作。