- Study of Stroboscopic Shearing Speckle Interferometry[J]. 引用该论文 陈炳泉.
- The experimental results show that excellent performance can be achieved: the image speckle noise is reduced effectively and the ENL is high, and the image quality is improved obviously. 经本文方法处理后的图像,其相干斑噪声得到了有效的抑制,具有较高的等效视数,明显地改善了图像的质量。
- An Enhanced SAR Image Speckle Filter 一种改进的SAR图像斑点噪声滤波方法
- A new method of the defect measurement is proposed by use of rotating aperture-stroboscopic speckle interferometry. 介绍了一种利用旋转孔径频闪散斑干涉法检测缺陷的新方法。
- A new experimental method for measuring resonant frequencies of objects is proposed by use of rotating shearing stroboscopic speckle interferometry. 摘要提出一种测量物体固有频率的新方法-旋转剪切频闪散斑干涉法。
- The principle and structure of laser shearography and electronic speckle interferometry were introduced.Speckle pattern was disposed and analysed. 摘要介绍了研制的激光电子剪切散斑干涉成像系统的原理及结构组成,对散斑图像进行了图像处理分析。
- The method broads the apply range of speckle interferometry, and provides a new technique for the measurement of the out-of-plate displacement. 该方法拓宽了散斑干涉技术的适用范围,为实际生产中的物体离面位移测量提供了新的手段。
- The planes of the new space pallarax satellitesand the ground-based speckle interferometry would be contributed betterto resolve these problems. 新的空间视差卫星和地基干涉测定计划将可能有助这些问题的解决。
- The research includes micro speckle interferometry, micro marker method, optical probe method, grain deformation and movement analysis. 在检测技术方面涉及显微散斑干涉技术、微标记阵列检测技术、晶粒变形分析技术、光学探针动静态变形分析技术;
- Structure Retaining Linear Multi-channel SAR Image Speckle Filter 基于特征保持的线性多通道最优求和SAR图像滤波算法
- Single beam Laser speckle interferometry has been used to measure the deformation of internal combustion engine connecting rod in this paper. 本文用单光束激光散斑干涉法测量了内燃机连杆的变形。
- In this paper, the experiments for two kinds of glass fiber epoxy laminates is carried out by using speckle interferometry. 采用散斑干涉法,对两种铺层方式的环氧基玻璃纤维层合板的弹性模量、泊松比和应力-应变曲线进行了实验研究。
- A new method of white-light speckle interferometry with radial scanning aperture for dynamic investigation was proposed. 摘要提出了一种用于动态研究的新方法-孔径径向扫描白光散斑干涉法,介绍了两孔和直三孔径向扫描器。
- A new experimental technique on the CTE measurement of metal composite leads in electronic packaging using laser speckle interferometry was presented. 在相对简单的实验设备下,得到较高精度金属复合引线的热膨胀系数值。
- In digital speckle interferometry, inhomogeneous illumination on or reflection from a tested object will lead to inhomogeneous fringe pattern, and even make the fringe missing. 在数字散斑干涉测量中,照明光的不均匀或被测试物反射光的不均匀,会导致条纹图像不均匀,严重时甚至会引起条纹的丢失。
- The heroine is the spitting image of the author. 书中女主人翁是作者的真实写照。
- I have this image of you as always being cheerful. 在我的心目中,你的样子总是兴高采烈的。
- In this paper, the disciplines of big shearing digital speckle interferometry are discussed by stastic optics theory.A new method-grating big shearing digital speckle intefferometry is presented. 本文用统计光学理论简要阐述了大错位数字散斑干涉的原理及特点,并在此基础上首次提出利用光栅作为错位元件的光栅大错位数字散斑干涉。
- The minister is trying to improve his public image. 部长正在努力提高他自己的公众形象。