- illustrated by peter parnall. 作者:by byrd baylor ;
- illustrated by Pierre-Marie Valat ;[translation by Peter Christiansen]. 作者声明: created by Gallimard Jeunesse and Pierre-Marie Valat ;
- Chartrand ;illustrated by Ron Miller. 作者声明: by Mark R.
- Bokenkamp ;with a contribution by Peter Nickerson. 书名/作者 Early Daoist scriptures //Stephen R.
- Kreider, Ari Rabl;[with software by Peter Curtiss]. 题名其余部分: design for efficiency / Jan F.
- Ross ;illustrated by Jennette Guymon-King]. 作者声明: [written by Mary H.
- Sobol ;illustrated by Leonard Shortall. 作者声明: by Donald J.
- Hulme ;illustrated by Lizzy Rockwell. 作者声明: by Joy N.
- Marian was obviously annoyed by Peter's remarks but I smoothed her ruffled feathers and she began to talk to him again. 显而易见,玛丽安是被彼特的话所激怒的,不过我使她冷静了下来,于是她又开始同他讲话了。
- Bissette ;illustrated by David Dorman. 作者声明: written by Stephen R.
- Howard ;illustrated by Ned Dameron. 作者声明: by Robert E.
- McKissack ;illustrated by Jerry Pinkney. 作者声明: by Patricia C.
- Allington ;illustrated by Noel Spangler. 作者声明: by Richard L.
- San Souci ;illustrated by Brian Pinkney. 第 8 笔 The faithful friend/Robert D.
- Ossory Fitzpatrick, illustrated by W.Curtis Green. 作者声明: written by Samuel A.
- The term was first coined by Peter Barus, a Superbase programmer. 这个词的发明者是一个超级数据库的程序员PeterBarus。
- Allington ;illustrated by Lois Ehlert. 作者声明: by Richard L.
- Morneau ;illustrated by Marjorie M.Mau. 作者声明: Written by Robert F.
- Porter ;illustrated by Stockton Mulford. 作者声明: by Eleanor H.
- Finney ;illustrated by Richard Salvucci. 作者声明: written by Charles G.