- Designed by Susie McCaffrey ;Illustrated by David Hancock and John Woodcock. 书名/作者 Usborne first encyclopedia of the human body /Fiona Chandler ;
- illustrated by John Woodcock. 作者声明: Rosie Dickins ;
- Mr Tompkins in Paperback was partly illustrated by John Hookham, and partly by Gamow himself. 对于这样一个曾经在伦敦中心剧院上演的作品的创意来说,在过去,当然,总是很难达到的。
- illustrated by John Dickenson and Bob Payne. 作者声明: written by Ken Gire ;
- introduction by John Jakes;illustrated by Alex Ebel. 作者声明: by Edmond Hamilton and Leigh Brackett;
- retold by John Escott ;illustrated by Janek Matysiak. 第 26 笔 Treasure Island[英文书籍]/Robert Louis Stevenson ;
- retold by John Escott ;illustrated by Jonathon Heap. 书名/作者 The eagle of the ninth /Rosemary Sutcliff ;
- Siglerand John W.Sigler ;illustrated by Sophie Sheppard and Jim Morgan. 书名/作者 Fishes of the Great Basin :a natural history /William F.
- Chartrand ;illustrated by Ron Miller. 作者声明: by Mark R.
- What I like most is the poem that recites by John. 我最喜欢的是由约翰背诵的诗。
- Ross ;illustrated by Jennette Guymon-King]. 作者声明: [written by Mary H.
- The restaurant is patronized by John. 约翰经常光顾这家饭馆。
- Sobol ;illustrated by Leonard Shortall. 作者声明: by Donald J.
- Hulme ;illustrated by Lizzy Rockwell. 作者声明: by Joy N.
- The picture which was painted by John is fun. 约翰画的那幅画很有趣。
- Bissette ;illustrated by David Dorman. 作者声明: written by Stephen R.
- At the first round he was rocked by John. 他在第一回合时就被约翰打得踉踉跄跄。
- Howard ;illustrated by Ned Dameron. 作者声明: by Robert E.
- McKissack ;illustrated by Jerry Pinkney. 作者声明: by Patricia C.
- A new motion was sponsored by John Smith. 约翰史密斯提出了一项新的动议。