- The jewellery firm is just a front for their illegal trade in diamonds. 该珠宝公司不过是进行非法的钻石交易的幌子。
- This firm is just a front for their illegal trade in diamonds. 这家公司不过是他们进行非法钻石交易的一个幌子。
- The jewellery firm is just a front for their illegal trade in diamond. 该珠宝公司不过是进行非法的钻石交易的幌子。
- Illegal trade is a concern because it can sabotage efforts to stop an outbreak. 现在非法交易引起广泛关注,因为它会使我们破坏我们为防止疾病发作而做的努力。
- The city authorities decided to crack down on illegal trading. 市政当局决定取缔黑市买卖。
- It could still hitchhike back in the illegal trade in chicks, fighting cocks or tropical pets, or in migrating birds. 病毒还可能会随着一些非法的家禽贸易,斗鸡,热带宠物或者鸟类迁徙卷土重来。
- The project aimed at combating the illegal trade on ozone depleting substances and hazardous waste. 该计划旨在打击有关耗蚀臭氧层物质和危险废物的非法贸易。
- This comes after the recent clampdown on middlemen and farmers who are engaging in illegal trade. 这是在最近打击从事非法交易的经纪商和农民之后发出的呼声。
- The illegal trade in Sumatran tigers was particularly common in the 1980s and is still a problem today. 苏门答腊虎的非法交易在1980年代十分猖獗,直到现在都还是一个很大的问题。
- Organization which appear to be neutral,but is in fact an active supporter of a political party or is actively engaged in illegal trade. 似乎是中立的,但事实上是某一政党的积极支持者或活跃地从事非法贸易的组织。
- Providing support to the monitoring of both the legal and illegal trade in threatened plant and animal species and their by-products. 协助监管濒危动植物及其副产品的合法及非法贸易活动。
- China needs to close this legal loophole, as well as the vast illegal trade documented in the country by the new report. 中国需要弥补这个法律漏洞,还有终止新报告中涉及的大宗非法交易。
- She says that in addition to bring animals,such as tiger and rhinos,to near extinction,the illegal trade also hurts African Economics. 她说野生动物非法交易,不仅使很多像老虎,犀牛等动物都濒临灭绝,而且也损害了非洲的经济。
- She says that, in addition to bringing animals, such as tigers and rhino s, to near extinction , the illegal trade also hurts African economies. 她说,非法贸易不仅使老虎、犀牛等动物濒临灭绝,还影响到非洲的经济。”
- "This illegal trade subverts rules established by regulatory agencies to reduce the introduction of disease ..." the report said. 报告称:“这种非法贸易违反了相关监管机构制定的防止进口动物传播疾病的法规。”
- Some countries like Vietnam and Cambodia are holding bilateral discussions on illegal trade in ozone depleting substances. 另外,像华盛顿公约所规范的野生动植物贸易管制,也会是重要项目之一。
- Pray the people of Benin are shielded from the negative effects of having such a destructive illegal trade running through their country. 祷告该国即使有如此破坏性的非法交易,贝南的百姓被保护不受这些负面影响。
- Through this specialized training to deter and combat the illegal trade in oil products irregularities, regulate the flow of refined oil market order. 通过这次专项整治,震慑和打击了倒卖成品油的违法违规行为,规范了成品油市场流通秩序。
- She says that, in addition to bringing animals, such as tigers and rhinos, to near extinction, the illegal trade also hurts African economies. “野生动物非法贸易依然是非洲和全球面临的一个巨大问题。
- The Lusaka Agreement Task Force was created in 1994 by governments in this region as a mechanism for regional co-operation to fight illegal trade in wild animals and plants. “卢萨卡协定书”组织是由非洲的一些国家于1994年针对该地区的走私野生动物犯罪、森林走私犯罪而建立的一个地区性组织。