- The infringement of debt that illegal profit forms on the civil law, is an illegal civil behavior. 不当得利构成民法上的债的侵权,是一种具有非法性的民事行为。
- Any illegal profits shall be confiscated. 凡非法所得,要一律罚没!
- Actually, use trojan or other technology measure to inbreak personal computer, got illegal profit to had formed the industrial chain with a giant dimensions. 其实,利用木马或其他技术手段入侵个人电脑,获取非法利益已经形成了一条规模庞大的产业链。
- At the same time, to prevent diversion of management Housing Units Units or compensation for the use of funds for compensation and relocation funds powers illegal profit. 同时,要防止房屋拆迁管理部门挪用拆迁补偿安置资金或利用监管拆迁补偿安置资金的权力进行非法牟利。
- While prophylactic is used for birth control, but here it helps the culturists to make more illegal profit, by stimulating eels to grow bigger or to keep cucumbers fresh. 而避孕药本来是用于计生的,在这里却帮助种植者赢取更多的非法利润,通过刺激黄鳝长得更大或保持黄瓜新鲜。
- The Theory of Real Right Act and Illegal Profit 物权行为理论与不当得利
- Other interests obtained by using the illegal profits shall be taken over after deducting the labor service overheads. 利用不当得利所取得的其他利益,扣除劳务管理费用后,应当予以收缴。
- After all real estate property investment is not a small sum in immature markets, is always illegal profiteers fraud. 毕竟房地产置业投资不是一笔小数目,在不成熟市场中,总是有不法奸商的欺诈行为。
- The returned illegal profits shall include the original thing and the fruits arising therefrom. 返还的不当利益,应当包括原物和原物所生的孳息。
- The illegal salt dealings were very rampant during this time because salt merchants were pursuing illegal profits fiercely. 这一时期云南省内私盐更是盛行,究其成因当与盐商的牟取暴利有着重要的内在联系。
- Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year. 今年我们公司很可能获得巨额利润。
- Certain corporate executives have exploited the privilege of their positions, betrayed trust and made illegal profits, hurting both investor confidence and market equitability. 然相关人士藉由运用职务之便,违背了忠实义务,趁机谋取不当利益,往往会戕害了投资人的信心与证券市场的公平性。
- Severe punishment, including license revocation and life sentences, is thought to be the only way to improve drug safety and stop illegal profits, according to the CPPCC. 依照 CPPCC严格的处罚,包括执照废止和无期徒刑, 被认为是唯一的方法改善药物安全而且停止违法的利润。
- His illegal deal is steadily milking the profit from the business. 他在搞非法交易不断榨取公司的利润。
- Make illegal profit, nip off profits for oneself 掐尖落钞
- AML(against money laundering) refers to criminal transforms his illegal profits into legal actions and processes in a "legal" form Nowadays, many problems need solving in Chinese lawmaking of AML. 摘要洗钱是犯罪分子以“合法”的形式将其不法收益转变为合法的行为和过程。
- The enormous illegal profits in producting and using countries criminalize society, corrupts law enforcers and brings political violence to countries and military conflicts between them. 生产及消费国的巨额利润引发社会犯罪,把反腐执法人员拉下水,造成双方政治及各国军事冲突。
- I did profit by the advice they gave me. 他们给我提的意见的确对我有很大好处。
- The shop expect to make a small profit this year. 这家店铺期望今年能赚点钱。
- He makes a profit of five dollars on his house. 他卖掉房子获利五万美元。