- Structural problems that the boom. 结构性问题。
- Pseudo-membrane (PMB) method is presented in this paper to deal with two dimensional (2-D) elastic structural problems. 摘要分析了具有正交对角型单胞的平面网格结构。
- This course covers a variety of structural problems and pitfalls that are commonly encountered in extensional and compressional regimes. 该课程探讨了各种各样的构造问题以及张性和挤压体系中常遇到的缺陷。
- CHINA TEAM stayed at the dock today folling a structural problem discovered in the second regatta yesterday. 由于昨天船体的问题,中国之队的帆船今天没有下水。
- The pound's structural problems, such as the UK's overextended housing sector and its effect on financial services, have not gone away. 英镑的结构性问题(如英国过分扩张的房地产业及其对金融服务的影响)并没有消失。
- For early decoration brings people and the destruction of the main structural problems, the Berlin Philharmonic may not occur. 对于初装修带来的扰民问题和破坏主体结构问题,柏林爱乐可能不会出现。
- However, there are still many structural problems of the Telecom market that makes the redundancy construction of network and waste of resources. 但是,我国电信运营业在市场结构上还存在许多问题,造成网络的重复建设和资源浪费。
- To solve the decision problem of complicated ill structure or non-structure, ve need knowledge and intelligent Intelligent Decision Support Systems (EDSS) is a combination result of Decision Support Systems and Artificial Intelligent (AI). 对于复杂的不良结构或者是非结构的决策问题,需要知识和智能的参与。 智能决策支持系统(Intelligent Decision Support Systems,简称IDSS)是决策支持系统与人工智能(Artificial Intelligent,简称AI)技术相结合的产物。
- Although we acted boldly and decisively and successfully weathered the Asian financial crisis, we still needed time to solve the structural problems inherent in our economy. 虽然我们采取果断措施,成功抵御了亚洲金融风暴对香港的冲击,但是,解决香港经济本身存在的结构性问题,仍需要时间。
- A structural problem with all of these codes is the refusal of Chinese companies to let outsiders check the progress of sustainable performance. 这些规章的一个共同的结构性问题就是,中国企业拒绝让外界检查其可持续经营的进展情况。
- Using of degrees of unsaturation from the molecula formula,valuable structural information can be obtained and this can help greatly in solving organic structural problems. 利用从分子式计算的不饱和度值,可以获得很有价值的结构信息,从而快速、准确地推测出有机化合物的结构。
- AS A SINGLE APRENT with a teen-age son, I have gone through manyfinancial difficulties.Consequently, we live in an old mobile home with allsorts of structural problems. 作为一个十来岁男孩儿的单亲母亲,我经历了很多捉襟见肘的财务困境,我们住在一个旧的拖车活动房屋中,遇到种种建筑结构上的问题。
- Roughness of the skin can be caused by bad diet. 饮食不好可能引起皮肤粗糙。
- The deflation can be blamed on Japan's long-term structural problems, including an aging population and one of the lowest birth rates in the developed world. 通货紧缩可以归咎于日本长期结构性问题,包括日益老化的人口以及在发达国家中排在最低之列的出生率。
- However, a sustainable rally is unlikely until structural problems are resolved by recapitalization banks, cleaning up balance sheets and clearing the inventory of unsold homes. 然而,在结构性问题通过银行资本重组、清理资产负债表和房屋库存清空等手段得到解决之前,反弹不会持续太久。
- China's development is still stumbled by many structural problems, such as income disparity, unequal regional growth and imbalanced urban and rural economy. 中国在经济发展过程中还存在结构性的问题:收入不平衡、地区不平衡、城乡不平衡、经济与社会发展不平衡。
- Still, it's an ill wind; you will have an unexpected holiday. 不过,这也并非完全的不幸,你会享受到一次意外的休假。
- The bad news dampened our spirits. 这恶耗使得我们精神沮丧。
- The incident put her in a bad mood. 这件事使她心情很不好。
- He was so ill that two nurses attended on him. 他病得那样重,有两个护士照顾他。