- The solution to the inverse problem in reverse process of river pollution substance unstable diffusion is ill posed in a commonsense. 河流中污染物扩散逆过程反问题的解在通常意义下是不适定的。
- ill - posed inverse problem 病态逆问题
- Regularization Theory is introduced as a natural framework for studying this classic, ill posed problem which otherwise admits an infinite number of solutions. 而正规化理论就成为研读经典、非良置性问题的自然架构,得以容纳大量的解答方式。
- This paper is focused on the inverse problem of doubly center matrices. 摘要本文研究双中心矩阵反问题。
- Above these walk commonly namely bad pose, walk correctly to decide oneself pose, want great when walking everyday attention! 以上这些就是常见的走路坏姿势,为了确定自己正确的走路姿势,要在天天走路的时候多多注重!
- The inverse problem of finding the displacement field from a strain field is not so simple. 反过来,如果从变应场来寻找位移场,那么问题就没有这么简单。
- The inverse acoustic scattering problem is a typical Math-matical Physics inverse problem. 声波反散射问题是一个典型的数学物理反问题。
- The inverse problem of space manipulator described by full Cartesian coordinates is studied in the present paper. 讨论了用完全笛卡尔坐标描述的空间机械手逆动力学问题。
- Direct and Inverse Problems in Engineering applications. 工程应用中的正逆命题。
- The least-square solutions to the inverse problem are established and their general form is given. 建立了双中心矩阵反问题的最小二乘解,得到了解的具体表达式。
- Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm can also be used to solve the nonlinear inverse problem of the parameter estimation. 遗传算法是一种相对较新的用于最优化估计的方法,也可以用于求解反问题。
- The error of FIF is studied in this paper, and an efficient method to solve the inverse problem of FIF is obtained. 摘要研究分形插值的误差估计,并由此获得解反问题的一条有效途径。
- An inverse problem of a free boundary problem which arised from the flow of non-Newtonian fluids is studied. 摘要讨论了由非牛顿流体流动引起的一类自由边值问题的一个反问题。
- This inverse problem can be solved in two steps, and consequently divided in two subproblems to research. 该反问题的求解可分成两步进行,归结为两个相应的子问题进行研究。
- The reconstruction algorithms include back projection algorithm and filter back projection algorithm for inverse problem. 逆问题部分实现反投影算法和滤波反投影算法。
- Normally, image reconstruction from incomplete projections is an ill-conditioned inverse problem which can not be solved by traditional FBP or ART algorithm. 从投影重建切片图像,可以看作是解一个线性方程组的问题,由于投影数目少,该方程组无唯一解。
- The numerical method for the inverse problem of second-dimensional advection-dispersion-reaction equations is discussed in the article. 摘要讨论了一类二维对流反应扩散方程反问题的数值解法。
- Roughness of the skin can be caused by bad diet. 饮食不好可能引起皮肤粗糙。
- An inverse problem method is employed to determine the average magnitude of acid pollutants in groundwater in Fengshui, Zibo, Shandong. 摘要应用反问题方法探讨山东淄博市张店区沣水南部区域地下水中硫酸盐的年入渗强度的数值反演问题。
- The least-squares solutions of the inverse problem of anti-centrosymmetric matrices is discussed, and the expression of the solution is obtained. 摘要讨论反中心对称矩阵反问题的最小二乘解,得到瞭解的具体表达式。