- igniter leakage resistance 点火极漏电阻
- ignitor leakage resistance 点火极漏电阻
- Figure 2-13 illustrates how a driven guard prevents the leakage resist ance of a cable from degrading the low current measurements. 图2-13示出保护驱动如何能够避免电缆的泄漏电阻影响弱电流测量。
- When measuring the leakage resistance with a DMM, the maximum applied voltage is usually less than 15V. 当利用DMM测量漏阻时,施加的最大电压通常小于15V。
- The leakage resistance (RL) is due to the insulator of the ionization chamber and the coax cable insulation. 漏泄电阻(RL)是由于电离室的绝缘体和同轴电缆绝缘造成的。
- It has excellent electric leakage resistance and arc resistance, have simultaneously certain impact and heat-resistance. 具有优良的耐漏电性和耐电弧性,兼具一定的抗冲击性和耐热性。
- This application focuses on the measurement of leakage resistance using either a Model 6487 Picoammeter/Source or a Model 6517A Electrometer. 这里讨论的应用实例是使用6487型皮安计源或6517A型静电计测量电容器的泄漏电阻。
- The full bias voltage appears across RL2 (the leakage resistance between the inside and outer shields of a triax cable). 在RL2(同轴电缆内、外屏蔽之间的漏阻)上存在满偏置电压。
- This leakage resistance may be referred to as “IR” (Insulation Resistance) and is expressed in megohm-microfarads (the resistance may be computed by dividing the “IR” value by the capacitance). 此泄漏电阻可以用“IR”(绝缘电阻)来代表,并用兆欧-微法来表示(电阻值可以用“IR”值除以电容来计算)。
- The circuit shows that the full bias voltage appears across the insulator leakage resistance (RL), so a leakage current (IL) will be added to the measured ion current (IM = IX + IL). 电路显示,在绝缘体漏泄电阻(RL)上出现了满偏置电压,因此漏流(IL)将被叠加到被测离子流(IM=IX+IL)。
- The requirement and efficiency of using low density bridging loss circulation material and modified directional well configuration to leakage resistance in buried hill formation were discussed. 探讨了在潜山地层定向井中采用低密度桥接堵漏剂和改进的井身结构处理井漏的必要性和有效性。
- As with any wiring arrangement, there are leakage resistances and stray capacitances between the conductors. 和任何线路布局一样,在导线之间都会存在漏泄电阻和寄生电容。
- In reality, there are leakage resistances and stray capacitances from and to everything. 但在实际应用中,它们与其它部分之间会存在漏泄电阻和寄生电容。
- Most other types of capacitor have leakage resistances in excess of hundreds of gigohms so that for most applications their leakage currents can be disregarded. 其他种类的电容漏电流很小,漏电电阻均超过数百吉欧,对于绝大多数用途而言,其漏电流可以忽略不计。
- Most other types of CAPACITOR.html">CAPACITOR have leakage resistances in excess of hundreds of gigohms so that for most applications their leakage currents can be disregarded. 其他种类的电容漏电流很小,漏电电阻均超过数百吉欧,对于绝大多数用途而言,其漏电流可以忽略不计。
- Consideration and leakage resistance of coal seam 煤体防渗加固
- The washer for preventing leakage is broken. 那个防漏的垫圈坏了。
- Her resistance to the proposal has crumpled. 她对这个建议的抵触情绪已化为乌有了。
- Each of the bulbs has a resistance of120 ohms. 每一盏灯泡有120欧姆的电阻。
- Copper has less resistance than lead. 铜的电阻比铅的小。