- idle indicating lamp 空闲小时
- visual idle indication lamp 空线信号灯
- When power indicating lamp lighting, the equipment processing power. 电源指示灯亮,装置即接通电源。
- While simulates low oil temperature conditions, the indicating lamp should light up and holding of main engine start message should be allowed. 模拟油温低、指示灯亮且允许主机启动信号不能发出。
- Only different was the world fine has cancelled formerly on steering wheel's ratemeter, only retained the light indicating lamp. 唯一不同的就是世嘉取消了先前在方向盘上的转速表,仅保留了灯光指示灯。
- While simulating high oil temperature and high oil level failure conditions, the corresponding indicating lamp should light up and failure pre-warning messages should be sent out. 模拟油温高、油位高故障,相应的指示灯亮且应有故障预报警信号输出。
- While simulating low oil temperature and low oil level failure conditions, the corresponding indicating lamp should light up and failure condition main engine stoppage messages should be given out. 模拟油压低、油位低故障,相应的指示灯亮且应有故障停主机报警信号输出。
- This model of wireless route's front panel, marks the indicating lamp, the product mark tone and the fuselage forms the sharp contrast, enables you the clear judgment router current running status. 这款无线路由的前面板,标识指示灯、产品型号标志的色调与机身形成鲜明的对比,使你能清晰的判断路由器的当前运行状态。
- According to the fault of charge indicating lamp always being on or flashing, it systematically analyses its induction output circuit and exciting circuit and affords the fault testing procedures. 针对标致汽车行驶中充电指示灯常亮或微微闪动的故障,从感应输出电路、激磁电路进行系统分析,并提出检查故障的步骤。
- All single boards have indicating lamps to display their running status. 各单板都有显示其运行状态的指示灯。
- Many charging circuits use an indicator lamp to indicate whether or not the alternator is charging the Battery. 许多充电电路用一指示灯来显示发电机是否在给蓄电池充电。
- Entered the working state.The indicator lamp of “J1” or “J 2” light if relay 1 or relay 2 acting else go out. 位选键():当进入编程状态时,数码管中有一位闪烁,通过此键可使闪烁位从高位向低能位循环移动。
- It's foolish to idle away one's precious time. 把大好时光浪费掉是愚蠢的。
- Select the “Signal reset” menu to reset all the self-hold signal relays and the self-hold indicating lamps. 选择“信号复归”菜单将复归所有自保持的信号继电器和指示灯。
- He jotted down his conceits of his idle hours. 他记下闲暇时自己想到的一些念头。
- A few tractors were idle awaiting repairs. 几台拖拉机闲置着等候修理。
- Method Displaying the level of myoelectricity reaching by rsing the color changes of indicator lamp as feedback signals. 方法利用肌电训练康复仪,通过对残肢者残端训练时指示灯的颜色变化作为反馈信号,显示肌电发放已达到水平。
- small egg-plant screw indicating lamp 小螺口茄形指示灯泡
- The machinery has been standing idle for months. 这机器已经闲置了好几个月。
- Switch on the power, the power indicative lamp lightens, push the start button of fan, its operational red lamp is on, it means the fan put into use. 1接通电源,电源指示灯亮,按风机的启动按钮,运行指示的红色指示灯亮,通风机投入运行。