- Identity column that provides the natural insertion sequence of rows. 对提供行的自然插入顺序的列进行标识。
- Expands to show properties for Identity Column, Is Indexable, and Is Replicated. 展开以显示“标识列”、“是可索引的”和“是复制的”的属性。
- IDENTITY, SCOPE_IDENTITY, and IDENT_CURRENT are similar functions because they all return the last value inserted into the IDENTITY column of a table. IDENTITY、SCOPE_IDENTITY和IDENT_CURRENT是相似的函数,因为他们都返回插入到表的IDENTITY列的最后一个值。
- The rows might be stored differently at the Subscriber; therefore, the value for the identity column can be different for the same rows. 行在订阅服务器中的存储顺序可能会有所不同;因此对于相同的行,标识列的值可能会不同。
- If the table contains an identity column, the counter for that column is reset to the seed value defined for the column. 如果表包含标识列,该列的计数器重置为该列定义的种子值。
- Replace tablename, column_type, and MAX(column_type) - 1 with a table name, identity column data type, and numeric value of the maximum allowed value (for that data type) -1. 使用表名称、标识列数据类型和(该数据类型)的最大允许值数值-1来替代tablename、column_type和MAX(column_type)-1。
- The third INSERT statement overrides the IDENTITY property for the column with the SET IDENTITY_INSERT statement and inserts an explicit value into the identity column. 第三个INSERT语句用SET IDENTITY_INSERT语句覆盖列的IDENTITY属性,并将一个显式值插入到标识列。
- When you update a table in the database that contains an Identity column, the values created with the auto-numbering feature are not sent to the database. 更新数据库中包含标识列的表时,不会向数据库发送使用自动编号功能创建的值。
- Identity columns in the base table for which IDENTITY INSERT is set to OFF. IDENTITY INSERT设置为OFF的基表中的标识列。
- SQL Server Compact Edition identity columns must have a data type of integer (int 4) or bigint (int 8). SQL Server Compact Edition标识列必须具有integer(int 4)或bigint(int 8)数据类型。
- Change the seed or increment on an Identity column 更改标识列的种子或增量值
- Incrementing identity columns are reset so that the next value allocated will be one step value more than the highest value in the remaining records. 增量标识列被重置,以使分配的下一个值比所保留记录中的最高值大一个步长值。
- For merge replication and transactional replication with updatable subscriptions, identity columns should be managed automatically by replication. 对于合并复制和具有可更新订阅的事务性复制,标识列应该由复制自动管理。
- For transactional replication, identity columns are replicated by default as identity columns rather than the base data type. 对于事务复制,默认情况下将标识列复制为标识列,而不是复制为基本数据类型。
- Because SQL Server does not support pseudo columns for identifiers, updates that have to use the auto-generated key feature must operate against a table that contains an IDENTITY column. 由于SQL Server不支持标识符的伪列,因此必须使用自动生成键功能的更新必须对包含IDENTITY列的表进行操作。
- The NOT FOR REPLICATION option is also set when replicating identity columns in merge publications and transactional publications that support updatable subscriptions. 复制支持可更新订阅的合并发布和事务性发布中的标识列时,也设置NOT FOR REPLICATION选项。
- She angled her column of chitchat toward teenagers. 她的漫谈栏侧重于十几岁的青少年。
- Replication handles identity columns across all publication and subscription types, allowing you to manage the columns manually or have replication manage them automatically. 复制会在所有发布和订阅类型之间处理标识列,从而允许您手动管理列或通过复制自动管理列。
- Performing partition switching can introduce duplicate values in IDENTITY columns of the target table, and gaps in the values of IDENTITY columns in the source table. 执行分区切换可在目标表的IDENTITY列中引入重复的值,并且源表的IDENTITY列值为空白。
- If this clause is specified for the IDENTITY property, values are not incremented in identity columns when replication agents perform insert operations. 如果为IDENTITY属性指定了该子句,则当复制代理执行插入操作时,标识列中的值不会增加。