- Infectious disease specialists at UT Southwestern Medical Center hae found a new method for identifying suspect iruses and bacteria that cause some of the most common acute infections in children. 犹他州西南医学中心的感染病专家门发现了一种确定引起日常儿童急性感染的可疑病毒和细菌的新方法。
- PwC's Mr Clark says artificial intelligence software and other automated routines are essential if big organisations with big processing centres are to identify suspect transactions. 普华永道的克拉克先生认为,如果拥有大型数据处理中心的大组织想要发现可疑的交易,人工智能软件和其他自动化程序是必不可少的。
- Can you identify suspect? 你能认出嫌疑犯吗?
- As an example, IDS monitors and records significant events on a specific computer or from the network examining data and providing an “after the fact” forensic ability to identify suspect activity. 比如说,IDS监视并记录某一特定计算机或来自具有调查数据并能提供识别可疑活动“犯罪之后”的侦破能力的网络上的重要事件。
- The police put a watch on the suspect's house. 警方派人监视那个可疑人的住宅。
- The police suspect foul play rather than suicide. 警方怀疑是谋杀不是自杀。
- The suspect cracked under questioning. 嫌疑分子在审问之下招供了。
- Do the police suspect foul play? 警方是否怀疑有不法行为?
- I suspect he's a closet fascist. 我怀疑他是地下法西斯分子。
- His motives were suspect with others. 他的动机受到其他人的怀疑。
- The police were tailing after the suspect. 警方紧紧跟踪着那嫌疑犯。
- The detective was tailing the suspect. 侦探在跟踪嫌疑犯。
- The jury's condemnation was a shock to the suspect. 陪审团宣告有罪使嫌犯大为震惊。
- The suspect is a person of no fixed abode. 嫌疑犯是个居无定所的人。
- I suspect, nay, I am certain, that he is wrong. 我怀疑,不,我肯定他错了。
- The police are watching out for the suspect. 警方正密切注意嫌疑犯的行动。
- Fingerprints linked the suspect to the crime. 指纹印把嫌疑犯与所犯罪行不可分割地联系在一起。
- What did the suspect do on July ninth? 嫌疑犯在七月九日做了什么事情?
- An identifying mark on the ear of a domestic animal. 耳戳打在家畜耳部的便于识别的记号
- He's a prime suspect in the murder case. 他是这次谋杀案的主要怀疑对象