- ideal viscous fluid 理想粘性流体
- L. Euler formulated the Euler equation to describe the motion of an ideal fluid (inviscid fluid) in 1755 [26] Navier derived, in 1822, the Navier-Stokes equationto describe the motion law of viscous fluid [76]. Euler于1755年建立了描述理想流体(即无粘性流体)运动的Euler方程 Navier于1822年建立了Navier-Stokes方程用于描述粘性流体的运动规律。
- Yet even at great depth, the mantle remains an exceedingly viscous fluid, flowing ever so slowly even in response to extreme pressures. 然而即使在极深处,地幔仍保持非常粘滞的液态,即使是在极度的压力下流动也十分缓慢。
- The adhesive, usually in granular form, is mixed with water and heated to form a paste which ultimately becomes a viscous fluid. 通常将呈颗粒状的粘着剂与水混合后加热成糊状,最终制成粘性流体。
- The Magnetic Field Projectual is a sturdy, transparent acrylic case that holds iron filings in a special viscous fluid. 磁场投射盒是一坚固、透明的压克力板,里面有铁粉在一种特别的纤维性液体里。
- Yet even at great depth,the mantle remains an exceedingly viscous fluid,flowing ever so slowly even in response to extreme pressures. 然而即使在极深处,地幔仍保持非常粘滞的液态,即使是在极度的压力下流动也十分缓慢。
- A swollen, glandular, saddlelike region in the epidermis of certain annelid worms, such as the earthworm, that secretes a viscous fluid to form a cocoon for their eggs. 环带,生殖带某些环节动物蠕虫表皮的膨胀、含腺的鞍状带,例如蚯蚓,分泌一种粘性液体而在其卵上形成一层防护层
- SU F,ZHANG T,XU Y.Numerical investigation on metal rotameter for measurement of low viscous fluid[J].Journal of Tianjin University,2006,2(39),145-148. [1]苏锋;张涛;徐英.;测量低黏度流体介质金属管浮子流量计的仿真研究[J]
- It was summarized that the densification of glass-ceramic was attribute to viscous fluid flow and devitrification(crystallization). 讨论认为,玻璃陶瓷的致密化由粘滞流动和反玻璃化(析晶)两个过程所控制。
- The two-dimensional unsteady free-surface waves due to a submerged body moving in an incompressible viscous fluid of infinite depth is considered. 本文考虑无限深不可压粘性流体中潜体产生的非定常表面波。
- The ideal velocity field of ship waves on a viscous fluid 粘性流体中船行波的完整速度场
- A swollen,glandular,saddlelike region in the epidermis of certain annelid worms,such as the earthworm,that secretes a viscous fluid to form a cocoon for their eggs. 环带,生殖带某些环节动物蠕虫表皮的膨胀、含腺的鞍状带,例如蚯蚓,分泌一种粘性液体而在其卵上形成一层防护层。
- The medium is considered as a viscoelastic, anisotropic, porous solid frame such that its pores of anisotropic permeability are filled with a viscous fluid. 考虑的介质是粘弹性的、各向异性的、多孔固体骨架,其各向异性可渗透的孔隙中充满着粘性液体。
- Atomization process of viscous fluid by using airblast three-channel nozzle and effects of different factors on this process was investigated based on the experiment. 研究了粘性流体在三通道气流式喷嘴的雾化过程,考察了三通道喷嘴雾化性能的影响因素。
- ZHENG R G.Effect and modification on rotameter readings for measuring the viscous fluid[J].Journal of Shanghai University for Science and Technology,1990,12(4):55-61. [2]郑荣根.;介质粘性对转子流量计示值的影响及其修正[J]
- The time-dependent group of purely viscous fluids includes the thixotropic and the rheopectic fluids. 纯粘性流体中与时间有关的一类包括触变性流体和流凝性流体。
- The control of the earthquake response of the Hefei TV tower due to the linear viscous fluid damper is analyzed under the El-centro, Taft and artificial simulated earthquake waves. The optimum design of the parameters of the damper is also carried out. 分别进行了电视塔在EL-Centro波、Taft波和人工合成的合肥波作用下,线性粘滞流体阻尼器对合肥电视塔地震响应的控制分析,并对阻尼器的参数进行了优化设计。
- According to current engineering hydrodynamics, there s positively constant head loss in Bernoulli s theorem for identical stream line in viscous fluid, which can later turn into heat and dissipate. 现行工程流体力学与水力学理论通常认为粘性流体元流伯努利方程中的水头损失项是恒正的,并且这部分损失的机械能转变为热而耗散掉了。
- The results show that the difference in radial temperature is very large in heat transfer to highly viscous fluids. 结果表明,高粘流体传热时径向温差很大,采用较小的加热管径可以有效地减小径向温差。
- Polymer melts are typical viscoelastic materials which are neither similar to elastic solids nor to viscous fluids. 聚合物熔体既不同于弹性固体,又不同于粘性流体,它是一种典型的粘弹性材料。