- He was a smart man, this Rushton, he possessed the ideal character. 这位拉什顿先生是一个精明强干的人,他具有理想的性格。
- He was a smart man, this Rushton, he possessed the ideal character . 这位拉什顿先生是一个精明强干的人,他具有理想的性格。
- The simulation with PSPICE program proved that the designed circuithas ideal character of Schmitt circuits. 用 PSPICE程序模拟证明了所设计的电路具有理想的施密特电路特性
- The influences of ideal character especially fabricate figures on the students decreased from high school to college. 从高中到大学,理想人物特别是虚构人物角色的影响力明显下降;
- The simulation with PSPICE program proved that the designed circuit has ideal character of Schmitt circuits. 用PSPICE程序模拟证明了所设计的电路具有理想的施密特电路特性。
- I would like to also simultaneously analyze the ideal character's highest expression, that of the Chinese ideal of "outer kingliness. 同时,文中更剖析其理想人格通往外王的作用表现,诠解其意义,论评其得失。
- As an important character in Weijin style, Yaliang syncretized Confucianism and Taoism, incarnating the ideal character of Weijin Metaphysics. 摘要“雅量”是魏晋人物品鉴中相当重要的一个品目,其本质是沟通儒道,“游外以弘内”,是魏晋玄学理想人格的体现。
- As a representative figure of the bourgeoisie humanist, Othello was a man of ideal character, and was hopefully confident of humanity, yet his over confidence gave birth to his arrogance that, primarily, led to his tragedy. 摘要奥瑟罗作为新兴资产阶级人文主义者代表,有其理想品格,他满怀对人的希望和自信,而这种自信过份膨胀,便成了自傲。
- The strength of character originates from vigorous life conscviousness and the words embody tragically experience which ideal character spirit contradict social norms become intenser. 风骨根植于刚健的生命意识,在作品中体现为理想人格精神与世俗社会的矛盾冲突,是一种愈挫愈愤的悲情体验。
- Cheating in examinations and forged certificates and diplomas at college run against the grain of the contemporary socialist ethics, humanism and the ideal character of college students. 但在现代社会功利、利益等因素的冲击下,大学校园的道德诚信出现了下滑,导致了“诚信缺失”,请“枪手”、考试舞弊、假文凭假学历等屡见不鲜。
- The second chapter presents the connotation changes of spiritual homestead", during the process of Liu Xinglong"s writing, and his ideal characters in his works. 第二章,分析刘醒龙创作历程中的人类“精神家园”内涵的变迁,以及在作品中表现出来的理想的人物类型代表;
- The characters in Laoshe's novels, according to their distinctive cultural identities, can be classed as “ old characters”, “ideal characters” and “ new characters”. 老舍小说中的众多人物根据其鲜明的文化身份,大致可分为“老派人物”、“理想人物”、“新派人物”三大类。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- He looks a suspicious character. 他像个可疑的人。
- On Mencius'Ideal Character and Self-cultivation 孟子的理想人格及修养
- Success and wealth transformed his character. 成功和财富改变了他的性格。
- The characteristic of ideal character 理想人格特性
- It is an ideal day for a picnic. 这是一个出外野餐的理想日子。
- For all its richness and all its progress, it is not an ideal society. 尽管它很富有,也很进步,但它不是一个理想的社会。
- The book depicts him as a rather unpleasant character. 这本书把他刻画成一个相当令人讨厌的人物。