- ideal and realistic view 虚实
- Founding its capital in Tianjing was an ideal and realistic choice to the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. 建都天京是太平天国的理想与现实选择,也是一个具有决定性意义的历史转折点。
- An ideal and realistic micromanipulator system for bioengineering is proposed based on the investigation and study. 在广泛调研的基础上提出了比较理想并切实可行的面向生物工程的微操作机器人系统的物理结构。
- The Party's highest and lowest program embody the dialectical unity of long-range ideal and the realistic system, one of lower and higher class social development period and also one of emancipating the mind and being practical and realistic. 党的最低纲领和最高纲领是现实体系与远大理想的辩证统一;是社会发展低级阶段与高级阶段的辩证统一;是实事求是与解放思想的辩证统一。
- But I think our offer is reasonable and realistic. 不过我认为我们的报价是现实的、合理的。
- This newly launched poker venue offers superb graphics, amazing sound effects, advanced avatar selection and realistic viewing options. 这款最新发布的扑克比赛游戏提供了华丽的图形,令人惊讶的音响效果,高级的形象选择和现实的浏览选项。
- Since the future strategy was devised strategies, to face a new Olympic cycle, personal ideals and realistic objectives are secretly promised. 未来的战略自有人运筹帷幄,面临新的奥运周期,个人化的理想和现实目标也在暗暗许下。
- A realistic view of the possibilities. 对可能发生的事情的现实的观点。
- We must portray the new features of the pioneers in the modernization drive,their revolutionary ideals and scientific approach,their lofty sentiments and creative ability,and their broad and realistic vision. 要塑造四个现代化建设的创业者,表现他们那种有革命理想和科学态度、有高尚情操和创造能力、有宽阔眼界和求实精神的崭新面貌。
- We must portray the new features of the pioneers in the modernization drive, their revolutionary ideals and scientific approach, their lofty sentiments and creative ability, and their broad and realistic vision. 要塑造四个现代化建设的创业者,表现他们那种有革命理想和科学态度、有高尚情操和创造能力、有宽阔眼界和求实精神的崭新面貌。
- I am very down to earth and realistic. 我非常现实和实在。
- Capricorn Moon is sober and realistic. 拥有摩羯月亮是人将是清醒和现实的。
- There is in reality a gap between the ideal and the actural. 理想和现实之间事实上始终存在着距离。
- There is in reality a gap between the ideal and the actual. 理想和现实之间事实上始终存在着距离。
- It is clear that Kornblith argues for a realist view of natural kinds. 很明显地,孔布里斯对于自然类是站在实在论的立场。
- Many will scoff at this Olympic ideal and I understand why. 我知道为什么很多人也许会轻视奥运会的理念。
- The red cravat carries any ideal and takes us to a long voyage. 男:鲜红的红领巾系满着理想,载着我们扬帆远航。
- Interpret Scripture with a faithful and realistic application. 忠实,实际的应用。
- Justice is the eternal ideal and pursuit of mankind. 摘要正义是人类永恒的理想和主题。