- ice making capacity 制冰能力
- Black ice makes driving very dangerous. 光滑的坚冰使行车变得很危险。
- Our Chinese athletes on the ice make the difference everyday in Europe. 我们中国的冰雪运动员们在欧洲每天都在为金牌而冲刺。
- Snow and ice made the road impassable. 冰雪使道路无法通行。
- Ice made the path slippery underfoot. 路上结了冰; 走起来很滑.
- You should look for smaller capacity machines that use no more than 30 gallons of water per 100 pounds of ice made. 你得寻找生产量稍小一些的机器,生产100磅水时只需不超过30加仑水。
- MAjA is specializing in manufacturing of ice making machines,Skinning machine,Fish skinning machine,etc. 玛亚公司专门制造制冰机,去皮/肥膘,去筋膜机,去鱼皮机。
- Dear Sir We are interested in putting up a Ice making Plant in Dar es Salaam, T... 坦桑尼亚公司求购冰设备2007-8-3其它国家和地区.;坦桑尼亚有效期:30天
- In an oligopoly, a firm can not afford to make capacity decisions based on cost-benefit analysis alone; potential actions of the opponents must also be taken into consideration. 由于我国许多高科技制造产业逐渐变成寡占市场,相关产能策略的制订是企业发展的重要研究需求。
- All this snow and ice makes it difficult for people to get about. 冰天雪地使人难以走动。
- With a designed supercooled-water ice making system test-bed, carries out grouping experiments for different evaporating temperatures and water flow rates. 摘要在自主开发的过冷水制冰试验台上,对不同蒸发温度和水流量下的运行情况进行了分组试验。
- Application:automatic ripple washing machine,cylinder washing machine,(solar energy) bathing machine,cleaning machine and ice making machine and water saving facilities etc. 用于全自动波轮洗衣机、滚筒洗衣机、(太阳能)热水器、卫生洁具、制冰机及节水控制装置等。
- A wide variety of Tianshui born in order to distinguish between raw materials are born buckwheat, bean ice making, peas and other quack quack and noodle. 天水呱呱品种繁多,以原料区分有荞麦呱呱、冰豆呱呱、豌豆呱呱和粉面呱呱等。
- short circuit making capacity test 短路关合试验
- Every morning I make a pitcher of ice tea. 每天早晨我做一罐冰茶。
- Because comets are largely ice made up of frozen water and gases, a comet striking Earth then would have vaporized. 由于彗星主要是由冻结的水和气体组成的冰,撞击地球的彗星将会蒸发。
- Mountain Of Crushed Ice makes the Vahine Delight! Check out that pineapple! (Still thirsty? See Liqurious)... 发给朋友转到小组(打标签)收藏推荐0推荐收藏%231047-查看全文昨天13:08:26
- Mother knows how to make ice cream. 母亲会做冰淇淋。
- A new upsurge in construction is in the making. 一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。
- Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots. 日本工业越来越多地使用机器人。