- hypothesis of advantageous man 优势人假设
- The hypothesis of Leveling Method for MSL transfer is given. 给出了水准联测法的假设条件;
- A runner can lose a lot of advantage by even glancing back to see how far behind the others are. 就可能失去很多优势。
- The hypothesis of economic man is a most basic assumption prerequisite of western economics theory. “经济人假设”是西方经济学理论一个最基本的假设前提,它认为人是通过深思熟虑的权衡和计算来追求最大利益的人。
- Ocean freight has a lot of advantages. 海运有不少优点。
- The hypothesis of the liberal man prevailing in the Hellenistic Ages deems that the hypostasis of man is spiritual liberty. 自由人盛行于希腊化时期,认为人的本质是精神自由。
- Some ZCML knowledge is of advantage. 一些ZCML知识是有帮助的。
- Creosote thus possesses a variety of advantageous properties. 这样,防腐油就具有各种很好的性能。
- Agency theory based on the hypothesis of economic man and corporate governance guided by the theory bring about lower governance efficiency. 基于经济人假设的代理理论及其指导下的企业治理实践产生了一个低效的治理效率。
- That old man is a fount of wisdom. 那个老人有无穷的智慧。
- It is reflected in three respects: (1) hypothesis of correctional economic man; (2) hypothesis of positive transaction cost; (3) the inheritance of analysis tools of Neo-classical economics. 这主要表现在三个方面:一、修正的经济人假设;二、非零交易成本假设;三、新古典经济学分析工具的继承。
- The resulting hybrid material offered a combination of advantages. 制造出的复合材料提供了优势的联合。
- The idea that continents broke and drift apart is known as the hypothesis of continental drift. 认为大陆曾经分裂并漂离的想法叫大陆漂移假说。
- Library should make full use of advantageous factors to fulfill the historical mission endued by the times. 图书馆应利用一切有利因素,完成时代赋予它的历史使命。
- A man appeared at the castle gate in the guise of a woodcutter. 一个男子打扮成樵夫的模样出现在城堡的门口。
- According to the hypothesis of some economists,increased wages may give rise to the high cost of living. 按照一些经济学家们的假说,工资增加可能导致生活费用升高。
- Fangchenggang is a city of advantageous situation with abundant shore tourism resources. 防城港市区位优势显著,滨海旅游资源丰富。
- A man of great ability like him will eventually reach the top. 像他这样才能出众的人终究会升到最上层的。
- "Hypothesis of Life Force" Concerning the Reasons for War--On "the Obsolescence of War", etc. 战争原因的"生命力假说"--评"大战过时论"及其它。
- Traditional direct investments include the theory of advantageous monopoly of Hymer. 进入20世纪80年代以来,一批经济学家从国际贸易角度出发发展了国际直接投资理论,试图建立包含国际直接投资和跨国公司的一般均衡模型。