- All these fact have borne out the hypothesis. 所有这些事实证明了假设的正确性。
- Several conclusions flow from this hypothesis. 从这项假设中可以得出几个结论。
- His new hypothesis is considered probable. 他作出的新假设被认为是有充分根据的。
- I've never seen a car being driven so recklessly. 我从没见过有人开车这么卤莽。
- How can I drive away these feelings of sadness? 我该怎样做才能驱散忧伤?
- Bill wave his hand to us and then drive away. 比尔向我们挥手告别后开车走了。
- A hypothesis admits by its nature of being disputed. 既然是假定,就有争论的余地。
- The engines are driven by steam. 这些发动机是由蒸汽驱动的。
- The machines are driven by electric motors. 这些机器都是由电动机驱动的。
- He was driven crazy by the extremity of pain. 极度的痛苦使他发狂。
- He was almost driven out of his mind with anxiety. 他焦急得差不多精神都错乱了。
- How long does it take him to drive to work? 他开车去上班要用多长时间?
- Sing a song to drive off those feelings of sadness. 唱首歌,驱散那些悲伤之情。
- In Britain cars are driven on the left. 在英国汽车靠左侧行驶。
- A man driven by jealousy is capable of anything. 嫉妒心可使人什么都做得出来。
- The enemy was driven back with heavy losses. 敌军遭到重大损失,被迫撤退。
- My uncle was hard driven by his boss. 当时,我叔父被老板逼得走投无路。
- The interviewer had driven her into a corner. 面试主持人把她追问得很窘。
- She wrote something to summarize her hypothesis. 她写了一些东西来概述她的假设。
- Loneliness almost drive her mad. 孤独几乎使她发疯了。