- hypoboric acid ester 连二硼酸酯
- Adipic acid can produce nylon 66 resin and adipic acid ester. 己二酸可生产尼龙66树脂,也可生产己二酸酯用作增塑剂、合成润滑剂。
- Maltose fatty acid ester was prepared with maltose and fatty acyl chloride in the presence of catalyst. 以麦芽糖和脂肪酰氯为原料,制备麦芽糖脂肪脂酸酯。
- It is known that sucrose fatty acid ester is an internationally accepted food additive with wide application scope. 蔗糖脂肪酸酯是一种国际上公认的食品添加剂,具有广泛的应用范围。
- Antisepsis and fresh-keeping effects of polyol fatty acid ester are summarized in this paper. 本文综述了多元醇脂肪酸酯的防腐保鲜作用。
- The suitability of fatty acid ester as diesel fuel results from their molecular structure and high energy content. 脂肪酸酯作为发动机燃料的可行性来自于其分子结构和较高的能量密度。
- In this articls,the monitoring method of phthalic acid ester in air was established by gas chromatography. 本文通过气相色谱法建立了大气中邻苯二甲酸酯的监测方法。
- MS and HPLC-MS techniques are applied in the determination of polyglycerol fatty acid ester. 采用MS、HPLC-MS联用法对脂肪酸聚甘油酯样品进行测定。
- Then the imidazoline boric acid ester was synthesized when the intermediate reacts with boric acid. 采用两步法合成月桂酸味唑啉硼酸酯。
- This paper introduces the synthesis method and application of 2,4,6-tribromophenyl methacrylic acid ester. 文献名称2,4,6,-三溴苯基甲基丙烯酸酯的合成及应用
- When fibre weaves soybean proteide majority use amylum , PVA and the propenoic acid ester kind blend thick fluid. 大豆蛋白质纤维织造时多数用淀粉、PVA及丙烯酸酯类混合浆。
- Isomerization of linalool to geraniol/nerol was catalyzed by the catalytic system which is composed of vanadium complexs and boric acid ester. 以钒化合物作催化剂与硼酸酯为介质组成催化体系,由芳樟醇异构制取香叶醇和橙花醇,分别考察了反应温度、时间、介质等因素对反应的影响。
- The optimal composition is 20%bone paste, 7%de-fatted milk powder, 2%compound emulsifier, 2%Sucrose Fatty Acid Ester, 8%cane sugar, 0.2%Flavoring. 利用纯骨泥为主要原料研制成营养骨奶,最佳配方为:纯骨泥20%25,脱脂奶粉7%25,复合乳化剂2%25,蔗糖脂肪酸酯2%25,白砂糖8%25,增香剂0.;2%25。
- Stearic acid, triethanolamine and chloroacetic acid were used to synthesize, under some conditions, betaine of triethanolamine fatty acid ester. 摘要以硬脂酸、三乙醇胺、氯乙酸为原料,在一定条件下合成了三乙醇胺脂肪酸酯甜菜碱。
- Carboxylic acid esters are important chemical raw materials. 羧酸酯是重要的化工原料。
- This formula contains carboxylic ester boric acid ester, borate and other inorganic additives as rust prevention additives and lubricating additives. 该配方采用羧酸酯、羧酸醇胺等有机防锈剂与其它无机防锈剂协同防锈,采用合成硼酸酯、硼酸盐和油酸三乙醇胺作为润滑剂和极压剂。
- This invention discloses a method for separating and purifying high-content xanthophyl fatty acid ester from tagetes oleoresin. 本发明公开了一种从万寿菊油树脂中分离提纯高含量叶黄素脂肪酸酯的方法。
- Maleopimaric acid polyester amino bakinig varnishes were synthesized from maleopimaric acid ester polyols crosslinked by amino resins. 用马来海松酸酯多元醇和氨基树脂交联,制备了马来海松酸聚酯氨基烘漆。
- METHODS Screening different organic solvent to extract36 type semi-sythetic fatty acid ester in suppositories and determinating Nimesulide by UV. 方法用不同的有机溶剂萃取尼美舒利栓中的基质,用紫外分光光度法测定尼美舒利的含量。
- Organic acid ester compounds in industry can be used as organic synthesis of raw materials, solvents, synthetic perfumes. 有机酸酯类化合物在工业中可用作有机合成的原料、溶剂、合成香料。