- hygropyretic beriberi 湿热脚气
- Have you ever come down with beriberi? 你有没有脚气病?
- How to treat n/med beriberi (schoolboy) ? 怎样治疗脚气(男生)?
- Who knows to treat the specific of n/med beriberi? 谁知道治疗脚气的特效药吗?
- The idea with good what treats n/med beriberi? 有什么好的办法治疗脚气?
- Can treat oedema, beriberi, and ameliorable joint. 可治水肿、脚气病,且可改善关节。
- How can cure go to n/med beriberi? 脚气怎么治疗能去根?
- Is crural desquamate n/med beriberi? ? 脚脱皮是脚气吗??
- Treat the folk prescription of n/med beriberi? 有没有治疗脚气的偏方?
- Is the foot always desquamate be n/med beriberi? 脚总是脱皮是脚气吗?
- How to treat n/med beriberi the most effective? 怎样治疗脚气最有效?
- Who has the method that treats n/med beriberi? 谁有治疗脚气的方法?
- What is treating the drug with best n/med beriberi? 治疗脚气最好的药是什么?
- My mother has been suffered from beriberi for the past few days. 家母近些日子一直患脚气病。
- Papaya. Can treat oedema, beriberi, and ameliorable joint. 木瓜。可治水肿、脚气病,且可改善关节。
- So, vitamin B1 is called again " fight beriberi vitamin " . 所以,维生素B1又被称为“抗脚气病维生素”。
- With what method is n/med beriberi treated the most remarkable? 脚气用什么方法治疗最显著?
- Is baseboard grows bleb to return desquamate n/med beriberi? 脚板长水泡还脱皮是不是脚气?
- Chien south soggy, easy suffer from beriberi tumours illness. 东南湿气重,容易患上脚气肿病。
- This substance was believed to cure a disorder called beriberi. 人们认为这种物质可以治疗一种叫做脚气病的失调病。