- Considering of the characteristics of the hydrology telemetric system, the hardware system is realized by taking the embedded microprocessor ARM as the core. 基于对水文观测现状的分析,结合水情自动测报系统的特点,本论文以嵌入式处理器ARM为核心,辅以其他芯片和外围电路,实现测报系统的硬件设计。
- The development and design of hydrology telemetric system hardware platform, power module, communication interface module, memory interface circuit, and LCD driver have been finished. 具体完成了对硬件平台、电源模块、通信模块、存储电路、液晶显示驱动程序等的开发设计。
- Considering the specific application background of the hydrology telemetric system, the overall idea of the software design was presented; 综合考虑测报系统应用的具体背景,提出了软件设计的总体思路,设计了应用层的通信协议,数据采集、数据存储、远程通信、命令处理等各个软件功能模块。
- hydrology telemetric systems 水情遥测系统
- The component, function, working conditions, system reliability and protective measure of key part of the hydrological telemetry system in Dafangying reservoir are introduced in this paper. 摘要文章介绍了大房郢水库水文自动测报系统的组成、功能、运行情况、系统可靠性以及关键部分的保护措施。
- Improving Measures for Data Transmission Reliability in Hydrological Telemetry System 提高水文自动测报系统信息传输的可靠性措施
- Proved by some hydrologic telemetric projects, the remote terminal unit works well. 通过实际水情测报项目的应用验证,该水情遥测终端取得了良好的效果。
- Syntrak 480 Marine Digital Telemetry System developed. 开发Syntrak 480海上数字遥测系统。
- At present, the equipment has been widely used in new-constructed hydrological telemetric stations.This equipment promises a very high value in popularization and application. 目前“斜井式激光水位测量装置”已广泛用于水库、江河、湖泊等新建水位遥测站中,具有很好的推广价值。
- Application of the Bubble Stage Gauge in Hydrologic Telemetry System 气泡式水位计在水文自动测报系统中的应用
- The telemetry system is a data logger that records data over several days. 遥感勘测系统是一个一些天以来记录数据的数据樵夫。
- This FM/FM-FM telemetry system has bee n used in one missile's test. 该战斗弹遥测系统采用FM/FM-FM遥测体制,现已成功地应用于某导弹的飞行试验。
- hydrological telemetry system 水情测报系统
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- The study and application of automatic hydrological telemetry system in Dafangying Reservoir 大房郢水库水文自动测报系统的研究与应用
- Perhaps the most important features of these telemetry systems, though, are fault diagnosis and timely servicing. 然而,这些遥测系统最重要的功能可能是错误诊断和快速服务。
- Smart antenna technology will be widely used in telemetry systems in the near future. 摘要智能天线技术在未来无线遥测系统中有很广阔的应用前景。
- Replacement of two cremators together with the provision of monitoring and telemetry systems at the Cape Collinson Crematorium were completed. 歌连臣角火葬场更换两个火化炉和装置监察及遥测系统的工程已经完成。
- It utilizes powerful new workstation computers and high-speed WTS telemetry system. 它采用功能很强的工作站为主机及高速WTS遥传系统。