- The hydrodynamic force function is the primary factor of affecting the jig sorting effect. 水动力作用是影响跳汰分选效果的主要因素。
- Study on Influence of Hydrodynamic Force Function to Jig Sorting Effect 水动力作用对跳汰分选效果影响的研究
- hydrodynamic force function 水动力作用
- This work measured measuring the hydrodynamic force experienced by two porous flocs or two solid spheres with the deformation of thin sticks. 摘要:本论文以细杆形变比例法,将实心粒子及双颗胶羽于固定流场中,量测实际胶羽在流场中受力结果。
- Being the nonlinear function of attack angle, the hydrodynamic forces acting upon the submersible are determined by a towing tank test. 作用于潜水器上的水动力系攻角的非线性函数,可用拖曳水池试验加以测定。
- The huge hydrodynamic force exerted on the transporting pipe by seawater influences the force on both ends of the transporting pipe and the transporting pipe shape greatly. 采矿车牵引输送管道运动时,海水对管道产生很大的阻力,海水阻力对管道两端结点反力和管道形状影响都很大。
- Based on the dynamics of six-degree-of-freedom rigid body motion, the model was derived with the consideration of wave force, hydrodynamic force, propeller and rudder force. 其系以六自由度刚体动力学理论为基础,考虑波力、流体动力、螺桨推力及舵力等建立而成。
- The direction and point of action of the hydrodynamic force have a close correlation with the bevel angle from stern, and a little with the vessel velocity. 水动力的方向和水动力作用点的位置随航速的改变而改变,但变化幅度不大,受尾斜角影响较大。
- Sand sluice &oil production technology is to sluice sand and product oil through energy transformation between hydrodynamic force fluid and extraction fluid. 摘要排砂采油工艺以水动力液和采出液之间的能量转换来达到排砂采油的目的。
- The function of the esophagus is to move food by peristaltic motion, which is the result of the interaction of the tissue forces in the esophageal wall and the hydrodynamic forces in the food bolus. 食道是连接咽下部和胃的管道,它的主要功能是通过蠕动将食物由咽部转运到胃,这个过程主要是由食道壁的组织力与食团的流体动力相互作用完成的。
- Firstly, the step function is adopted as actuating force function for acquiring a convenient damper change. 为了使阻尼变化容易实现,在设计激励力时采用了阶跃函数方式;
- By analyzing the experimental data, it can be found that the hydrodynamic force of the vessel moving transversally increases rapidly with the velocity, and varies at different bevel angle from stern. 通过船模试验发现,船体平移时的水动力大小随航速增加而快速增加,在同一航速但不同尾斜角下水动力大小也各不相同;
- A formula for calculating the minimum underbalance in lower permeability reservoir is obtained by applying a drag force function to testing data. 通过将拖曳力函数用于油田测试数据,提出了确定低渗透地层最小测试压差的公式和方法。
- Numerical results of the heave response and the vertical hydrodynamic forces are presented. 从水动力学的角度对强制循环废热锅炉的设计提出建议。
- The hydrodynamic forces were estimated based on the data obtained in the experiment in towing tank. 在阻力及操纵性试验所得数据基础上,估算了其水动力系数。
- The second part dealt with the "local characters "force function analysis of industrialclusters development in small towns. 第二部分是小城镇产业集群发展的“地方性”力量作用分析。
- The traditional three-dimensional potential theory was used to analyze the hydrodynamic forces and motion responses of two hinged bodies in waves. 摘要用三维势流理论分析了两个铰接的单体在波浪的作用下所受的水动力和各自的运动响应。
- Based on linear radiation wave theory,the interior and exterior hydrodynamic forces on pier were got by eigenfunction expansion method. 基于线性辐射波浪理论利用特征函数扩展法分别得到了空心墩内部和外部水体作用于桥墩有限节点上的动水力表达。
- In the paper the three-dimensional source distribution method is applied to solve the nonlinear hydrodynamic forces on the trimaran ship advancing in waves. 中文摘要本文利用三维源点分布法,来求解三体船在波浪中前进时的非线性流体动力。
- The fluid considered here are assumed to be irrotational, incompressible and non-viscous and the solutions of the nonlinear hydrodynamic forces are treated in frequency domain. 假设流体为非旋性、不可压缩且为无黏性的理想流体,探讨频率领域中,三体船在规则波中之运动及非线性流体力。