- Lower hydrocarbon bearing system 下含油气系统
- Keywords Malang sag;Lower hydrocarbon bearing system;Lower Permian;Carboniferous System;volcanic rock;weathered crust; 马朗凹陷;下含油气系统;下二叠统;石炭系;火山岩;风化壳;
- hydrocarbon bearing system 含油气系统
- As one of the subtle reservoirs, fractured shale reservoirs have been discovered in hydrocarbon bearing basins at home and abroad . 泥岩裂缝油气藏作为隐蔽油气藏的一种,在国内外含油气盆地中都有发现。
- The motion of underground water in hydrocarbon bearing strata of Turpan Hami Basin could be divided into sedimentary seeping water stage and seeping water stage. 吐哈盆地含油气层系的地下水运动分为沉积水渗入水和渗入水两个阶段。
- To keep production steady , its very important to find out what hydrocarbon bearing shaly sands could be directly exploited without pressing crack and acidification. 临南油田夏52块沙三中泥质砂岩油层分布广,未动用程度高,为了稳定产量,急需寻找可直接投产的泥质砂岩油层。
- Operating characteristic of water lubricated stern tube bearing system is the base of application. 水润滑艉轴承的工作特性是用户选用的依据。
- Its very difficult to distinguish hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs from water bearing reservoirs electrically because of the similar resistivity between them. 摘要由于低阻油层的电阻率低于或接近邻近水层的电阻率,给测井评价带来很大难度。
- M.O.TCole,P.S.Keogh ,C.R.Burrows.Adaptive Q control of vibration due to unknown distrbances in rotor magnetic bearing system[C]. 本文将自适应Q控制应用到电磁轴承上,该控制方法只需要知道控制执行器到测量信号间的模型而不需要知道干扰的信息就可以自适应控制使振动误差平方和最小。
- M.O.TColeP.S.Keogh C.R.Burrows.Adaptive Q control of vibration due to unknown distrbances in rotor magnetic bearing system[C]. 本文将自适应Q控制应用到电磁轴承上该控制方法只需要知道控制执行器到测量信号间的模型而不需要知道干扰的信息就可以自适应控制使振动误差平方和最小。
- For the exact function of the bearing system, the bearing pairs must be linked together with a preload on the movable bearing. 对于举止制度的精确功能,举止双一定被在可动的举止上连同一个预载一起联编。
- The Yanqi Basin formed in Mesozoic and Cenozoic,is a hydrocarbon bearing basin,which has not only an imbricate,back,ramp thrust structural styles,but also a wrench structural style and so on. 焉耆盆地是一个中新生带含油气盆地,盆地内不仅存在叠瓦式、背冲式、对冲式等挤压构造样式,还存在扭动构造样式;
- Accordingly the principled suggestion for guiding the designing optimization on magnetic circuit of electromagnetic thrust bearing system was put forward. 据以提出若干指导电磁推力轴承系统磁路设计优化的原则建议。
- In this disquisition,on the basis of the analysis of the structure characteristic of Lp rotor and bearing system of domestic 300MW turbine units,the characteristic of No. 在对国产300MW汽轮机低压转子与轴承系统的结构特点分析基础上,结合大量现场试验研究,分析了300MW汽轮机4号轴承不稳定振动的特点。
- potential hydrocarbon Bearing zone 可能的含油气层
- What is structural area points to form a building to bearing system, the area that the component part place such as mound of the wall of each component, column, wall and partition occupies disjunctive plane. 什么是结构面积指构成房屋承重系统,分隔平面各组成部分的墙、柱、墙墩以及隔断等构件所占的面积。
- In this paper,the failure form of work roll bearing chock of 2050mm hot strip mill in bao steel is studied using Finite Element Method(FEM) the internal heat resources of bearing system is analyzed. 本文以宝钢2050热连轧机工作辊轴承座热变形故障为研究对象,详细分析了轴承系统的内热源,确认轴承内部的摩擦热是轴承升温的主要热源。
- low resistivity hydrocarbon bearing reservoir 低电阻率油气层
- Hydrocarbon bearing hydrothermal fluids 含烃热液流体