- hydration products gel 水化物凝胶
- Results show that hydration products of HPC include CH,C3AH6 and CSH gel having low C/S ratio. The pore structure of the hydration products is very compact and the diameter of the gel pores is less than 10 nm. 结果表明,高性能混凝土的水化产物是低C/S比的CSH凝胶、CH和C3AH6,其显微结构致密,孔结构以孔径小于10 nm的凝胶孔为主。
- But in later period of hydration, the active Al2O3 and SiO2 react with the hydration products to form C-S-H gel and Aft filling the pores of paste to make the structure of cement paste compact thus contributing to the strength development of cement. 但在水化后期,偏高岭土中的活性组分Al_2O_3和SiO_2与水泥熟料矿物水化产物反应生成C-S-H凝胶和AFt,填充于浆体孔隙中,从而使水泥浆体结构趋于致密,有利于水泥强度的增长。
- The study also shows that calcium silicate hydrate gel,analcite and hydrated calcium alumino-silicate are the major hydration products of the cement. 碱磷渣水泥的主要水化产物是水化硅酸钙、方沸石、水化硅铝酸钙。
- The hydration products, construction and morphology of cement grout added expansion agent were observed by SEM. 利用SEM分析了掺膨胀剂水泥的水化产物、结构和形貌。
- On the other hand, hydration products and course were determined by the “principle of crystalloid abduction”. 另一方面,由于“晶种诱导结晶”作用使水化反应历程和产物有所不同。
- The hydration products of slag cement are also analyzed and identified by the aid of SEM, EDXA and electron diffraction. 利用扫描电镜、电子衍射,并结合能谱分析技术对矿渣水泥的水化产物进行了分析和鉴定。
- The result indicated that, the mainly hydration products is CSH (B), Tobermorite and a small amount of granular Hydrogarnet. 结果表明,该体系在水热条件下的主要水化产物是CSH(B)、托贝莫来石、水石榴石;
- That results show that the cement is composed of dehydrated hydration products, dehydrated clay and high-early strength minerals. 结果表明,该水泥主要由水化物脱水相、含钙粘土脱水相以及早强矿物等组成;
- Ettringite is one of the important hydration products of cement and it is also the main component of aluminate expansive agent. 钙矾石是水泥重要的水化产物之一,也是铝酸盐类膨胀剂产生膨胀的主要物质,但它在混凝土中并不稳定,容易发生重结晶。
- Using tests of compressive strength, hydration product and porosity, the influen ce of steam curing on the pozzolanic reaction of rejected fly ash were studied. 通过研究蒸汽养护条件下含废弃粉煤灰的样品在抗压强度、水化产物以及孔隙率等方面的变化,探讨了蒸汽养护对废弃粉煤灰火山灰活性的影响。
- These secondary hydration products can fill in pores among different size particles and the secondary interface microstructure with compact network figure forms as a res. 这种二次水化产物可填充不同粒径颗粒之间的孔隙,最终形成致密网络状的二级界面显微结构。
- The hydration kinetics theory, hydration product and hardening mechanism of GSF binder are all specially studied in this paper. GSF胶结料是利用石膏尾矿、高炉矿渣、粉煤灰等工业废渣与少量激发剂混合配制的一种新型胶凝材料。
- During the study, the measuremets andanalysis by means of XRD, SEM and DTA tests, the Phyical Phascompositions of hydration products of the compound cemetmentioned above w... 还通过XRD、SEM和DTA等测试手段分析了该种水泥水化产物的物相组成,初步探讨了其水化过程和水化机理。
- The results show that the hydration products with higher compressive strength could be gained when molar ratio of Ca to P was 1.67,cement liquid was SBF and 3 days immersion. 结果表明;钙磷比为1.;67;固化液为模拟体液;浸泡3天可以得到强度相对较高的水化产物。
- In this paper,the research on MPC is reviewed involving its preparation,physicochemical properties,hydration product components and mechanism of reaction and retarding. 综述了磷酸镁骨水泥的合成工艺、理化特性、反应机理、缓凝机理及水化产物组成。
- The experimental results showed that C S H gel and Aft were the main hydrated products in the fly ash cements for high road. 实验结果表明 ,公路粉煤灰水泥的主要水化产物为C -S -H凝胶、钙矾石及少量的Ca(OH) 2 。
- The analysis of SEM, XRD etc. indicated that the hydrated products mainly is composed of CSH gel and (Na, Ca)-Si-Al-H zeolite gel. SEM、XRD等分析表明,主要水化产物为CSH凝胶和无定型网络结构的类沸石凝胶物质[(Na, Ca)-Si-Al-H]。
- Ettringite in cement hydration products "Value k" method of XRD and some accurate results were obtained. This method shows practically significant in studying the formation mechanism and stability of ettringite. 摘要本文用X射线衍射法定量分析了水泥水化产物中的钙矾石,得到了较为准确的结果,该方法对研究钙矾石的形成机理和膨胀机理提供了重要的参考依据,具有理论和实际意义。
- After washed out by deionized water in a ultrasonic washer, samples were analyzed by SEM/EDS and a lot of Cs+and Sr2+ were detected. This means that the hydration products of AASC have a high retaining ability for Cs+and Sr2+. SEM/EDS分析表明,试样经去离子水超声波清洗后仍能探测到大量的Cs~+和Sr~(2+)存在,这表明碱矿渣水泥水化产物具有较强的持留Cs~+和Sr~(2+)能力。