- Methods: Non-radiative prober is used in hybridization in situ. 方法非放射性探针原位杂交法。
- Physical Localization of Ribosomal Genes and Chromosome DAPI Banding by in situ Hybridization in Medicago sativa L. 苜蓿核糖体基因物理定位及染色体荧光分带。
- Hybridization in situ technique was employed to detect the chromosomal aberration in tumor tissues. 本实验用原位杂交技术检测几种肿瘤组织的染色体畸变。
- Result: The character of hybridization in situ is sensible, reliable, effective, and the efficiecy is above 90%. 结果该法灵敏、可靠,有效率可达90%25以上,是检测目的基因的一种有效方法。
- The relationship between evolution of 5S rRNA genes and that of barley as well as the application of in situ hybridization in phylogeny were discussed. 探讨了5S rRNA基因进化与大麦染色体进化间的关系以及原位杂交技术在系统进化研究中的应用。
- Objective To prove the reliability for sex identification by detection of chromosome X and Y using fluorescence in situ hybridization in human blood and bloodstain. 目的探讨荧光原位杂交技术在血痕性别鉴定中应用及其价值。方法对20例新鲜人血及20例1-2年人血痕的X、Y染色体采用双色荧光探针进行原位杂交分析。
- FUS-CHOP and EWSR1-CHOP rearrangements were identified by fluorescence in situ hybridization in 15/23 and 2/23 conventional myxoid liposarcomas, respectively, and in no other tumors. 荧光原位杂交发现普通型黏液样脂肪肉瘤中,分别有15/23例和2/23例发生了FUS-CHOP和EWSR1-CHOP基因重排,而其他肿瘤都没有发生。
- Fluorescence in situ hybridization See FISH. 荧光原位杂交:参见FISH.
- nucleic acid hybridization in situ 核酸原位杂交
- In Situ Hybridization on Vasa Gene of Silkworm Bombyx Mori. 家蚕vasa基因的原位杂交研究
- A biotin-labeled DNA probe specific for hepatitis B virus(HBV)nucleotide sequences was hybridized in situ to liver tissue of 129 cases with liver disease. 应用生物素标记HBV DNA(乙肝病毒脱氧核糖核酸)作探针,对129例肝病患者肝组织作原位杂交研究。
- Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique developed. 发明原位免疫荧光杂交(FISH)技术.
- Methods Immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization. 方法免疫细胞化学和原位杂交技术。
- Expression of P53 oncogene was detected by in situ hybridization . P53基因异常表达采用原位杂交方法。
- Application of Fluorescence in situ Hybridization in Botany 荧光原位杂交技术在植物学中的应用
- Three-line hybrid in Brassica napus L. 甘蓝型三系杂交油菜
- Key around Mobile, the next key stop in situ fixed. 左右键移动,下键停在原地不动。
- Lobular carcinoma in situ is seen here. 图示小叶原位癌。
- Experiences in the application of HPV nucleic acid hybridization in situ HPV核酸原位杂交技术的应用体会
- RDP=rumen-degradable protein measured in situ. 经瘤胃消化袋测得之瘤胃可分解蛋白质。