- Beverly: My cousin got a hybrid car, too. He said the same thing. 贝芙莉:我表哥也开油电混合车,他也这样想。
- A hybrid car that recharges by simply plugging into the wall. 插电式的充电套件,让油电混合车更有效率,也更加环保;
- Haydn: Yes, hybrid cars use much less fuel than an ordinary car. 海顿:不错,混合型汽车的燃料消耗量比一般汽车小得多。
- Hybrid car owners were found to be 78 percent more likely to be highly creative than other people and less dogmatic. 调查发现,拥有混合动力车的人不爱遵循教条,他们拥有非凡创造力的几率比其他人高78%25。
- Hybrid cars will help us conserve gas and protect the environment. 复合动力车将会帮助我们节省汽油和保护生态环境。
- Yet another rare earth metal, lanthanum, is a major ingredient for hybrid car batteries. 而另一种稀土金属镧,则是混合动力车电池的主要原料。
- That brings it much closer to the timeframe needed for hybrid car batteries, Ceder said. 由此其也将大大接近于混合动力汽车电池要求的时间范围,希德说。
- Haydn: Well, I've been reading a lot about these new hybrid cars. 海顿:嗯,我读到不少报导,介绍新的混合型汽车。
- The most famous hybrid car of choice is still the Toyota Prius, the first mass-produced model. 最出名的混合动力车仍然是丰田普瑞斯,第一款大规模生产的产品。
- We are manufacturers of environment-friendly hybrid cars. 我们是环保混合型汽车的生产商。
- So even as Toyota emphasises the green credentials of its Prius hybrid car, it is attacking the Silverado, one of GM's biggest money-makers. 所以尽管丰田的主打的是绿色环保的普锐斯混合动力车,它的轻卡还是对通用最大的利润来源西尔维拉多产生了一定的冲击。
- "Without the need for chemicals, capacitors can be lighter, thereby enabling the hybrid car maker to improve fuel economy further and reduce costs," Mak says. “因为不需要化学药品,电容器能制得更加轻巧,因而使混合动力汽车制造商能够进一步推动燃料经济,并进一步降低成本。”
- We will encourage tourists to either walk or use hybrid cars or electric trams. 景区内步行或乘电瓶车。
- And across the way, a new auto company could be busy churning out hybrid cars. 而在街的另一边,一个新的汽车制造厂中工人们正加紧生产节能汽车。
- If you can,buy a hybrid car. 如果你有能力,请购买混合动力汽车。
- If you can, buy a hybrid car. 有可能的话,购买油电混合车。
- Don't buy a used car from that rogue. 别从那无赖手里买旧车。
- The McKinsey analysis says that for the US the initial upfront expense of buying an electric or hybrid car would be rapidly offset by lower fuel costs, which result in lower emissions per vehicle. 麦肯锡的分析称,对美国而言,降低燃料成本,将迅速抵消购买电动或混合动力汽车的前期成本,将降低车辆平均排放量。
- Encouraged by the success of hybrid cars, Japan is now bringing hybrid trains to the world. 成功鼓舞了混合型汽车,现在日本引进杂交列车到世界各地。
- Hybrid cars have been especially popular with use that reached 132,500 units in Fiscal Year 2003. 混合动力车尤其受到欢迎,在2003年混合动力车的保有量达到132,500辆。