- We paid hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes. 我们交纳了数亿美元的税金。
- A force of hundreds of millions of people! 这是一支几万万人的军队啊!
- Hundreds of millions of chickens and other fowls have been culled. 数以亿计的鸡和其它家禽已被扑杀。
- A senseless war seems inevitably forced upon hundreds of millions of people. 一场毫无意义的战争强加到亿万人民头上。
- It takes months to get the hundreds of millions of eggs needed into production. 要获得生产疫苗所需数千万的受精卵得花费几个月时间。
- For those hundreds of millions of people in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, levels of living seemed not to stagnate. 对于亚、非、拉数以亿计的人民来说,生活水平并不是没有提高。
- We also need massmarket scale (i.e., tens or hundreds of millions of customers) personalization. 我们同样需要海量市场的缩放性的个性化(例如:千万或上亿的用户)。
- Pope Benedict XVI lamented that hundreds of millions of people in the world, do not have enough to eat. 教皇本笃十六世悲叹世界上数以亿计的人们仍然没有摆脱饥饿。
- The convincing proof that smoking causes cancer has failed to convince hundreds of millions of people to abandon the vile habit. 抽烟致癌的有力证据没能说服数百万人改掉这一恶习。
- There are now more than 23,000 McDonald's worldwide selling hundreds of millions of hamburgers a year. 如今世界上有23,000个麦当劳快餐店分布在 100多个国家,每年卖出几亿个汉堡包。
- This event, lit by hundreds of millions of Chinese people and great patriotic fervor and sports enthusiasm! 这一盛举,彻底点燃了亿万中国人巨大的爱国热情和体育热情!
- The recent Budget has offered hundreds of millions of pounds to finance such white elephants as Concorde and the Channel Tunnel. 最近的预算拨出数亿英镑,用来支持耗资巨大的工程,如协和式飞机和英吉利海峡隧道。
- HUNDREDS of millions of people across the world held their breath. Each one was anxiously watching a tiny robot on their TV screen. 全世界数亿人都屏住呼吸,焦急地注视着电视屏幕里的微型机器人。
- Now that curtain has risen and men can look back to a past of scores and hundreds of millions of years. 帘幕已揭开,人们可以回溯几十亿年之久的过去了。
- Hundreds of millions of people could suffer hunger, water shortages and coastal flooding as the world warms. 随着世界变暖,数以亿计的人将遭受饥荒、缺水和沿海洪水的威胁。
- Under the Bush administration, such programs have received hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funding. 布什政府已为这些计划提供了几百万的资金支持。
- She lived when the earth it of hundreds of millions of shimmering whit heart, and her soulful attachment! 她睡去的时候,人间的那亿万颗晶亮的心,将她顾盼和依恋!
- But usually I would find no one to go with in such a big cig with hundreds of millions of people. 其实她在每年的教师节接我电话时的第一句话就是,我猜就是你。
- Bank of America is investing hundreds of millions of dollars to train and deploy Six Sigma. 美国的银行正在投资数以百计数百万元训练而且部署六个标准差。
- It will use magnetic fields to confine hydrogen isotopes and heat them to hundreds of millions of degrees Celcius. 它利用磁场约束氢的同位素并将其加热到数亿摄氏度。